The Resident Applications series (1946-2001, 1.5 linear feet) contains completed applications for women wanting to live in Henderson House. Because many of these applications contain personally identifiable student educational information they are restricted for 75 years from the date of creation. The applications have been retained for the unique window they offer on the lives of women students at the university. The changing nature of the applications across time reflects shifting values. In addition to biographical information on the students and their families, the forms elicit information on interests, hobbies, as well as assessments on personal habits relative to roommate matching. Early applications include responses to questions such as physical health, vocational preferences, and experience with housework and home management. The forms also ask for written responses to adaptability to cooperative living. Over time, the applications ask variations about what aspect of Henderson House is appealing. More recent applications ask applicants to assess their strengths and weaknesses as co-op members. Personal expense budgets and economic background are also elements of the applications, although the information is solicited differently across time. Overall, the applications will yield interesting qualitative and quantitative data for future research. The applications are arranged first alphabetically for the period 1946 to 1985, and then chronologically. This series also contains applications for various officer positions in the House.