Administration, 1934-2006
The Administration series details the interactions between the governing heads of MIFA (the Forensic Council and State Manager), their members, and their sponsoring institution. The series also documents special initiatives undertaken to assist in MIFA's administration. The series is divided into four subseries: Forensic Council, Mailings, Standing Committees, and Topical Files. The Forensic Council contains the agendas, minutes, reports, and supporting documents of the Council's meetings and is, by far, the most comprehensive and orderly subseries. The files are arranged chronologically in this subseries. The Standing Committees subseries is composed of records pertaining to meetings of the debate, individual events, drama/theatre, and discussion/student congress committees. There are also a few files of the Middle Level individual events committee. These files are typically arranged chronologically by school year and are not complete. Many of the items in these files will also be found in the Forensic Council subseries, but it might be easier to first check the committee files to locate information concerning one of the MIFA activities. The subseries Mailings, 1967-2004, is arranged chronologically and contains materials mailed to coaches and participating schools. While a portion of these records can also be found in the Forensic Council series, these documents have been retained in this arrangement as full examples of the volume of material received by member schools during their participation in MIFA activities. The last subseries in this portion of the collection is of Topical Files, which arranges information alphabetically by topic rather than chronologically.