Publications, 1913-1989
The Publications group comprises three linear feet of materials and is arranged by frequency of publication: annual, periodic, quarterly, and weekly. Annual publications include anniversary publications, and the programs for men's day and women's day. Of interest in the periodic subgroup are the programs for the music recitals and funerals. The music programs provide entry to this crucial aspect of church life, and the funeral publications contain brief obituaries. The quarterly, Second Baptist Advocate, is a well-crafted magazine replete with lengthy articles, photographs of church groups, and local advertising. The collection includes issues of the Advocate from its inception in 1952 to 1981, when it was evidently supplanted by the annual report. Nearly half of the Publications group consists of the weekly bulletins, the Second Baptist Item and the Second Baptist Herald, which run to eighteen linear inches. Unfortunately only two issues of the Item are extant. The Herald provides a weekly chronicle of Second Baptist's services, activities of members and groups, and meetings for the years 1926 through 1989. This remarkably informative source is a fairly complete run week- by-week except for spotty coverage from 1962 to 1975.