Manistee, Michigan business firm; financial records, letterpress books, time books, and other records detailing to various business activities.
The records of Louis Sands business interests have been arranged in seven series. These include letterpress books, journals, ledgers, time books, subsidiary volumes, associated records, and miscellaneous. The letterpress books and miscellaneous documents have been retained in their original format. The remaining material has been microfilmed.
The original relationship between much of the business records has been lost beyond reconstruction. Because of this, volumes have been grouped by type rather than by business venture. The loss of the original relationship between the volumes was responsible, as well, for the establishment of an arbitrary chronological order for some volumes.
All of the material microfilmed as well as a large quantity of material relating to Sands & Burr, bankers, which was not filmed, has been placed on permanent loan to the Manistee Historical Museum in Manistee.