- Kerrytown restaurants1
- King-Seeley Corp. factory1
- Kleinsmith, Lewis (biologist)1
- Koengeter, Jan (children's theater director)1
- Komarmy, Tracy Lee (professor of linguistics/ singer)1
- Kozubei, David (owner of David's Books)1
- LaBan, Terry (cartoonist)1
- Ladd, Hudson (carilloneur)1
- Laugh Track Comedy Club1
- Lee, Lonnie (Department of Natural Resources)1
- Leipold, Nancy (professor of nursing)1
- Leonard, Jim (music critic)1
- Lester, Reverend Loyce (Michigan Leadership Conference)1
- Lettvin, Joan (Great Lakes Performing Arts Associates)1
- Levy, Marge (Dean, University of Michigan School of Art)1
- Lewis, Reverend Jim (St. Andrew's Episcopal Church)1
- Lindamood, Jean (Car and Driver writer)1
- Lindsey, Derrick (gospel rapper)1
- Lipschutz, Dan (Ann Arbor Symphony)1
- Little Professor Bookstore1