- Gill, Nan (principal, Angell Elementary School)1
- Gillett, Bob (Legal Services of Southeastern Michigan)1
- Glatz, Eric (International Workers of the World)1
- Glendon, Anne (Ann Arbor Symphony)1
- Goffett, Roy (Blind Pig co-owner)1
- Goldenberg, Dean Edie (College of Literature, Science and the Arts)1
- Goldstein, Larry (editor, Michigan Quarterly Review)1
- Goldstein, Rabbi Aharon1
- Gomez, Luis (University of Michigan Department of Asian Languages and Cultures)1
- Goodridge, Francie (University of Michigan track coach)1
- Gray Charles (Environmental Protection Agency)1
- Greenidge, Bert (crossing guard)1
- Greenquist, Peter (WUOM deejay)1
- Griebe, Linda (veterinarian)1
- Gudenau, Bill (primary candidate)1
- Guenther, Karl ("The man who brought Dial-a-Ride to Ann Arbor")1
- Hacker, Sylvia (sex educator)1
- Hamer, Sylvia (ballet teacher)1
- Harburg, Ernie and Torry1
- Harrison, Walt (public relations for University of Michigan)1