- Tufty, Esther Van Wagoner, -1986.1
- Tydings, Joseph Davies, 1928-1
- Tyroler, Charles.1
- United States -- Congress -- Elections -- 1966.1
- United States Commission on Civil Rights. Michigan State Advisory Committee.1
- United States. Congress -- Elections, 1948.1
- United States. Congress -- Elections, 1950.1
- United States. Congress -- Elections, 1952.1
- United States. Congress -- Elections, 1968.1
- United States. Congress.1
- United States. Congress. House. Committee on Education and Labor.1
- United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.1
- United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Budget.1
- United States. Congress. Joint Committee on Congressional Operations.1
- United States. Congress. Senate.1
- United States. Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services.1
- United States. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development.1
- United States. Dept. of State.1
- United States. Federal Election Commission.1
- United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.1