- Manistique and Lake Superior Railroad Company.1
- Manistique, Marquette and Northern Railroad Company.1
- Manitou and Pike's Peak Railway Company.1
- Marquette and Southeastern Railway Company.1
- Marquette, Houghton and Ontonagon Railroad Company.1
- Mason and Oceana Railroad Company.1
- Masten, C. C.1
- McCarthy, Eugene J., 1916-2005.1
- McGovern, George S. (George Stanley), 1922-2012.1
- McGuffey, William Holmes, 1800-1873.1
- McNitt, William H.1
- Michigan Central Railroad Company.1
- Michigan Electric Railway Company.1
- Michigan Historical Collections.1
- Michigan Photographers Society.1
- Michigan Railway Company (1914-1921)1
- Michigan Republican Newspaper Association.1
- Mineral Range Railroad Company.1
- Mitchell Bros. Company.1
- Moore, Park & Sharp.1