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- Acheson, Dean, 1893-1971.1
- Altgelt, Mrs. Woodward Wilson1
- American Association of University Women1
- American Committee to Preserve Abu Simbel1
- American Field Service1
- American Legion.1
- American Red Cross1
- American Symphony Orchestra League1
- American University1
- Andrews, Roger, 1874-1
- Army-Navy Club1
- Arnold, Thurman Wesley, 1891-1969.1
- Ashurst, Henry Fountain, 1874-1962.1
- Ault, Clyde1
- Austin, Warren Robinson, 1877-1963.1
- Baker, Newton Diehl, 1871-1937.1
- Barkley, Alben1
- Barkley, Alben William, 1877-1956.1
- Barnes, Russell.1
- Barrymore, Ethel, 1879-1959.1