- Duquette, Don (Director, University of Michigan Child Advocacy Clinic)1
- Ecology Center staff1
- Eden Foods employees1
- Edison building1
- Edwards Brothers1
- Elks Club (Pratt Lodge) members1
- Embassy hotel1
- Enkemann, Caspar and Gladys1
- Ensminger, Dr. Bill (cancer researcher)1
- Environmental Protection Agency1
- Environmental Research Institute of Michigan [ERIM]1
- Escoffier restaurant owners1
- Evans, Cynthia (fortune-teller)1
- Everett's Drive-in1
- Faber, Kathy (mezzo-soprano)1
- Farah, Vicky (immigration lawyer)1
- Farmers' Market1
- Feldman, Steve (chess master)1
- Feldt, David1
- Fingerle Lumber Company1