- Michigan Memorial Phoenix Project.1
- Michigan State Grange.1
- Michigan Technology Council.1
- Michigan. Office of the Auditor General.1
- Michigan. Public Service Commission.1
- Michigan. Supreme Court.1
- Monts, Lester Parker.1
- Moody, Charles D.1
- Mott, John R1
- Mott, John Raleigh, 1865-1955.1
- Murfin, James Orin, 1875-19401
- Murfin, James Orin, 1875-1940.1
- National Child Labor Committee (U.S.)1
- National Child Labor Committee.1
- National Conference on Race Betterment.1
- National Conservation Congress.1
- National Conservation Congress. n 5th, Washington, D.C., 1913.1
- National Home Finding Society for Colored Children.1
- National Institute for Burn Medicine.1
- National Peace Federation.1