- University of Michigan. School of Natural Resources.2
- University of Michigan. School of Nursing.2
- University of Michigan. School of Public Health.2
- University of Michigan. School of Social Work.2
- University of Michigan. Senate.2
- University of Michigan. University Hospital.2
- University of Michigan. Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer.2
- University of Michigan. Vice-President for Academic Affairs.2
- Williams, Robert Lewis, 1903-2
- Zimmermann, Ernest R.2
- Abbott, Nathan, 1854-1941.1
- Acheson, Dean, 1893-1971.1
- Adams, Henry Carter, 1851-1921.1
- Adams, R. C.1
- Adams, Wilbur Christopher.1
- Allen, Frances Alfred, 1919-1
- Allen, Francis Alfred, 1919-1
- American Friends of Cambridge University.1
- Ames, Henry Vandenburg, 1865-1935.1
- Angell, Alexis C. (Alexis Caswell), 1857-1932.1