- Jonkman, Bartel J. (Bartel John), 1884-1955.1
- Knox, Frank, 1874-1944.2
- Lambert, Marguerite Novy.1
- Lawrence, Howard Cyrus, 1890-1961.1
- Mapes, Carl Edgar, 1874-1939.2
- Mapes, Carl-,Edgar, 1874-1939.1
- McCall, Almon Watson, 1905-19701
- McCall, Almon Watson, 1905-1970.1
- McCall, Ernest James, 1873-19501
- McCall, Jonathan Nicholson, 1857-1
- Michigan Historical Records Survey.1
- Michigan League of Home Dailies.1
- Michigan Press Association.1
- Michigan Press Institute.1
- Michigan State Library.1
- Michigan State Police.1
- Michigan. Dept. of Conservation.1
- Michigan. Liquor Control Commission.1
- Michigan. Office of the Auditor General.1
- Michigan. State Board of Health.1