- American Civil Liberties Union.1
- American Committee to Preserve Abu Simbel1
- American Council on Education.1
- American Field Service1
- American Public Health Association.1
- American Red Cross1
- American Symphony Orchestra League1
- American University1
- American Wildlife Institute.1
- Anderson, Clinton Presba, 1895-1975.1
- Angell, James Rowland, 1869-1949.1
- Angell, Robert Cooley, 1899-1984.1
- Ann Arbor (Mich.). Board of Education.1
- Ann Arbor Public Schools.1
- Ann Arbor School of Religion.1
- Army-Navy Club1
- Arnold, Thurman Wesley, 1891-1969.1
- Atwater, Reginald Myers, 1892-1957.1
- Ault, Clyde1
- B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, University of Michigan1