The Sub-Unit Publications series contains publications from subordinate offices, departments, programs, and organizations within the Housing Division. These publications are arranged alphabetically by the creating sub-unit.
The Sub-Unit Publications series (5.1 linear feet) includes publications from Housing Division sub-units, such as Department of Residence Education, Family Housing, Food Service, Housing Facilities Department, Off-Campus Housing Program, the Pilot Program/College Community Program, the individual residence halls and the Residence Halls Association, Residence Halls Libraries, the Twenty First Century Program, and the Women in Science and Engineering Residence Program. These offices within the Housing Division published annual reports, brochures, manuals, and newsletters documenting their functions.
The family housing bulletins (scattered issues from 1977 to 1995) include floor plans of the various apartments with application, lease, and community information. Family Housing News (1979-1982) and The Community Focus newsletter (1981-1995) document the activities of and programs for the residents, and help keep residents informed about policy and personnel changes in the Housing Division.
The Housing Facilities Department publications include annual reports (1985-1996) documenting projects like asbestos management, carbon monoxide detection, radon testing, lead paint removal, and other health concerns. These reports also include information about housing utilities and energy usage and housing goals to conserve water and energy. The appendices include a staff list and a building inventory including square footage, year first occupied, original cost, and replacement cost of each dorm. The Energy Report (1978/79) and the Utilities and Energy Management Report (1979-1986) break-down natural gas, electricity, water and steam usage for the year and compare them to years past. They also compare consumption by individual dormitory.
The Housing Special Programs works closely with minority students on campus. The Ethnic Reflections anthology, containing poetry and short essays, was published from 1979 to 1988.
The Off-Campus Housing bulletins (1964-1995) describe where and how to look for housing, housing options such as Greek houses or co-ops, costs, renters' rights, and agencies to contact if there are problems. There are brochures describing the fraternities and sororities on campus. The Safety and Sanitation Manual for Small Group Houses gives students advice on how to take care of the homes they are renting including tips on cleaning, maintenance, decorating, city regulations, etc. The report Student Housing: Report of the President's Off-Campus Housing Commission is found under the heading "President's Commission on Off-Campus Housing."
Additional publications documenting the student judicial process including offenses, sanctions, and the appeal process will be found under the heading "Office of Student Relations." These manuals (1993/94) also include the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
Created in 1962, the Pilot Program is a living/learning program allowing students to take courses, averaging 15-25 students, taught in their dormitories. The Pilot Program publications include annual reports, brochures, and bulletins covering the period from 1970 to 1995. Of special interest are the publications created by the students and resident employees of the various dorms. Found under the heading "Residence Halls' these publications include anthologies, brochures, manuals and handbooks, and newsletters. All residence halls are represented. Newberry will be found with Barbour and West Quad. Among the Residence Halls Libraries publications there are annual reports (1960-1993 scattered), manuals describing policies and procedures (1966-1985), and a report of the Library Selection Committee (1964).
Created in May 1989, the University Task Force on Faculty, Staff and Student Housing Issues released their interim and final reports in 1990. The task force mission was to study the university's role with regard to undergraduate, graduate, faculty, and staff housing, and its relationship to the broader Ann Arbor community, and to recommend how the university could enrich the educational and community-building potential of the housing environment. The interim reports and final report include results of surveys taken by students and faculty, discussion of the development of senior faculty and staff housing, Greek organizations, minority housing, and public hearing commentary on various housing issues.