The Writings series contains articles, books, essays, manuscripts and other materials as well as related content (reviews, publicity, page proofs, and some royalty statements). By and large, these works deal with questions of faith, Jewish culture, the nature of a meaningful existence, and the creation and practice of Humanistic Judaism. Many of the essays appear to have been used as the basis for lectures, but exact dates and venues are not known. Wine's publications include the books Humanistic Judaism; Judaism Beyond God; Celebration; High Holidays for Humanists; and Staying Sane in a Crazy World as well as contributions to collections such as Judaism in a Secular Age: An Anthology of Secular Humanistic Jewish Thought and Radical Theologians in Conversation. His articles appeared in a variety of journals, including Humanistic Judaism, Free Inquiry, The Humanist, and American Rationalist. The series furthermore includes an extensive collection of "The Rabbi Writes," Wine's regular column from the Birmingham Temple's newsletter (The Jewish Humanist). The series also contains A Life of Courage: Sherwin Wine and Humanistic Judaism (compiled by Dan Cohn-Sherbok, Harry T. Cook, and Marilyn Rowens), a volume that honors Wine's contributions to the movement and presents his personal assessment of his life's work.
Parts of some titles in this series are stored on digital media: Jews without Abraham, Moses or God (CD-ROM), Jews: A Provocative People (three 3.5" floppy disks and one USB drive), Tough Minds-Tender Hearts (two 3.5" disks).