The Interview Materials series is comprised of two subseries: (1) Interviews; (2) Data and Analysis. The Interview subseries contains interview responses and transcripts; Rorschach tests and scoring; some biographical and interview data score sheets; handwritten materials and evaluations; "Trad-Mod" score sheets; and TMS Scale evaluations. Solomon aimed to examine how different generations in China thought about politics, as well as how they dealt with conflict and related to authority figures both within the family structure and in public life. The majority of the materials are written in Chinese, although there are some interview transcriptions, interview analyses, and reports written in English.
The Data and Analysis subseries is comprised primarily of computer data printouts, although the subseries also includes some reports on changing Chinese culture written by Solomon, and a magnetic data tape.
Researchers may find the folder "Interview Materials, General," located in Box 3 of the Interview Materials subseries, helpful in understanding some of the abbreviations used throughout the papers, the reasoning behind the interviews, and how the interviews were written up. Some commonly used acronyms are: "RT," which stands for Rorschach Test; a T or H preceding a number stands for either Taiwan or Hong Kong; "Trad-Mod" stands for "Traditionality - modernity," which was an attitude scale used by Solomon to quantitatively measure degrees "of modernity."