The Urban Options records provide an in-depth look at the work of this non-profit energy efficiency organization from its founding in 1978 until 2002. The collection documents how Urban Options was managed as it grew and integrated new services; how programs were developed and implemented; how the organization delivered its message of energy efficiency and sustainability through publications and media outreach, and how it sought institutional and individual support for its work. The records are arranged into eight series.
Urban Options (as of 2009, known as Michigan Energy Options) is a non-profit community agency that provides energy and environmental information and services. Founded in 1978 in response to the energy crisis, Urban Options promotes awareness of energy efficiency measures, advocates for conservation efforts and sustainable energy policy, and provides services to increase energy efficiency in homes and businesses in Michigan. The organization's programs include residential and commercial energy audits, home weatherization, and energy-related curriculum development. Urban Options also maintains a library of books, videos, periodicals, and reference materials on a variety of environmental topics and conducts educational programs for children and adults on energy conservation, sustainable energy, composting, and ecological landscaping.
Urban Options operates an Energy and Environmental Demonstration House, located in East Lansing. The house was originally leased from the City of East Lansing in 1978 and was retrofitted by staff and volunteers through a series of workshops. In 1987, the house was moved from its original location at 135 Linden to its current location at 405 Grove Street to make room for a new parking lot for City Hall. Over the years, Urban Options and its volunteers have continued to make improvements to the house. The Energy Demonstration House uses energy efficient materials, structures, and appliances, and features exhibits on insulation, water conservation, air leakage, composting, ecological landscaping, solar energy, and recycling. A second Energy Demonstration Center, located in Marquette, is operated by the northern branch of Michigan Energy Options, formerly known as Northern Options.