The Scripts series includes all extant scripts for television programs, special project films, and Audio-Visual Education Center productions. The scripts vary from the merest outlines and stage directions to fully worked out dialogue. The scripts, usually bound in volumes, are organized by series and thereunder by chronologically assigned negative number or alphabetically by title. Also included are scripts of several student dramas presented on WWJ-TV by the Speech Department.
The scripts, in order of arrangement, include:
- Series T, University of Michigan Telecourses broadcast on the original Television Hour, 1950/51-1953/54. Arranged chronologically. (Box 5)
- Series I, Independent, multi-part programs broadcast as part of the University of Michigan Television Hour, 1955-1980. Arranged alphabetically by program title. (Boxes 6-15)
- Series B, Individual Programs of general interest broadcast under the title "Understanding Our World" (UOW). The series was initially broadcast live over WOOD-TV, Grand Rapids, 1952-1953, and later recorded on film or tape and broadcast as part of the UM Television Hour, 1954-1982. Arranged by chronologically assigned negative number with separate sequences for WOOD and Television Hour programs. Some Series B scripts are missing. (Box 17-19)
- Series H, "Michigan Report" 1952-1955. This series was the successor to the "Teletour" portion of the original Television Hour. It was broadcast over WWJ-TV Saturday evenings. Arranged chronologically. (Box 20)
- Series A, "Accent: A Michigan Report" 1955-1961. This series is a continuation of Series H under a new name. Arranged chronologically. (Box 20)
- Special Projects, Scripts for televised programs that were not part of an ongoing series or films not intended for broadcast use. Arranged alphabetically by title. (Boxes 20-22)
- Trigger Films, Scripts and outlines for several trigger films that were not part of an ongoing series. (Box 22)
- Early Television Plays, Scripts of six student plays produced on WWJ-TV by UM students, 1948-1953. (Box 22)
- WPAG-TV, An incomplete set of scripts for several series broadcast from the UM Television Center studio over the Ann Arbor UHF channel, 1954-1957. (Box 24-25)
- AVEC, Scripts for films produced by the University of Michigan Audio-Visual Education Center, ca.1951-1978. Arranged alphabetically by title. (Box 25-26)