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Political and Cultural Activities
The Political and Cultural Activities (3.5 linear feet) series contains information about Jabara's cultural and political activities. The series has been arranged alphabetically. Perhaps the most extensive portion of the series is the documentation of the 1977 National Lawyers Guild (NLG) Middle East Delegation that traveled to Lebanon, Jordan, Israel and the Occupied Territories in July 1977. This trip was taken to observe and report on the Palestine liberation movement, the state of opposition in Israel, and the condition and treatment of Palestinians living in Israeli Occupied Territories. Jabara was influential in arranging the trip and was also a member of the delegation. Included in this collection are several folders of correspondence, clippings that express the attitude towards the visit from the popular and legal press, and copies of the minority and majority reports compiled and published by the NLG.
Additional areas of strength in this series include press clippings and information about the Arab-American community in the Detroit Metropolitan area, documentation through papers and journals of the human rights abuses of Palestinians living in occupied Israeli territory, refuge camps, and prisons, and documentation of the harassment of Arab-Americans through testimonials and correspondence with Jabara. Materials of interest relating to "Operation Boulder" include correspondence and press clippings. Operation Boulder was a collaborative campaign initiated by President Nixon and included the FBI, CIA, Immigration and Naturalization Service, and the Department of Transportation. It began in September 1972 after 11 Israeli athletes were murdered at the Olympic games in Munich. The campaign called for the intensive investigation and screening of the activity of Arabs in the United States with the aim of eliminating possible terrorist acts against Israeli citizens. The series also contains extensive information about Jabara's native land of Lebanon, including correspondence and press clippings about the civil war in the mid-1970s and the treatment of Lebanese prisoners taken during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982.
AAUG (Association of Arab-American University Graduates), 1968-1976
2 folders
The nonprofit Association is open to university graduates of Arab origin, focusing on the development of the Arab world through professional services.