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The Projects/Collaborations series documents University Library projects and collaborations with other University of Michigan units and organizations. This includes collaboration with the Alumni Association to develop their new educational emphasis; the "Computers in Composition" collaboration with LS&A to analyze how computers might change writing and thinking, the Gateway Project, which created the first institutional home page for the university; the creation of living/learning centers and residential communities; and collaboration between the Library and Information Technology Division to form the Microcomputer Center on campus. Also documented in this series is the collaboration between the Library and Housing to form the residence hall library system, which was ultimately discontinued; the UM Instructional Environment (originally Digital Classroom), a Library-led collaboration that became the blueprint for the original Coursetools, subsequently CTools; early use in the Library of UMTV, the original campus cable network; and Virtual University, originally a collaboration between Michigan colleges and universities and industry to provide online education to workers, but later focusing more on providing online courses to K-12 students.