The Geriatric Programs series, 1973-1991, is comprised of files documenting the development and implementation of geriatric medicine programs, including the Pilot Geriatric Arthritis Center, the Turner Geriatric Clinic, and the Division of Geriatric Medicine. Files include planning documents, reports, partial minutes and correspondence. The Pilot Geriatric Arthritis Center files contain the original 1974 grant application that funded the Center, and material evaluating the Center's effectiveness. The Turner Geriatric Clinic records are the most substantial, indicative of Dr. Duff's major role in establishing the Clinic. Records include background on the Scott and Amy Prudden Turner bequest, concept papers, meeting files, and information on outreach activities, including satellite clinics. The Division of Geriatric Medicine records consist of proposals to develop a division of geriatric medicine and annual progress reports from 1980 to 1984.