Press Office, 1982-1991
The Press Office, 1982-1991 series consists of fifty-four linear feet of diverse materials arranged into seven subseries based on type of materials. These subseries are grouped into two classes according to media, paper or non-paper. Within the paper medium, the subseries are arranged alphabetically by type of material: newspaper clippings, press releases, speeches, and topical files. The non-paper medium consists of photographs, audiotapes, and videotapes. Materials within the Press Office series comprise an admixture not only in terms of media, but also in terms of creation and collection of the materials. The office, in addition to creating records in the course of fulfilling its media relations and information dissemination missions, also gathered materials in meeting its informal mission to serve as archives for the Blanchard administration. The press releases, topical files, and audiotapes were created by the Press Office in the course of its daily operations. The newspaper clippings and speeches were pulled together by the office to judge the impact of its efforts. The photographs and videotapes were sometimes created by staff members, but were more often given to the office by people not on the staff. The myriad types and sources of documents cohere to make the Press Office series the thickest and richest source on the full scope of the Blanchard governorship.