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Nancy Austin-Schwartz (Deputy Chief of Staff), 1985-1990
The Nancy Austin-Schwartz subseries consists of two categories: departments and issues. The subseries is five linear feet long. Austin-Schwartz' responsibilities as Deputy Chief of Staff entailed overseeing both the implementation of the State of the State agenda and the external relations of the Issues department. Thus the departmental materials in her files are a rich source on how well departments met Blanchard's expectations; whether the administration was meeting departmental needs; and how to respond to specific problems. The issues files consists of an alphabetical run of issues salient to Austin-Schwartz. The most significant of these are the State of the State folders which document her post hoc assessment of the year's programs. Other State of the State materials can be found in Carolyn Sparks' files and among the Issues and Press Office series. The State of the State was the principal public address of the governor, so it should come as no surprise that materials related to it appears in many files.