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Maps, 1960-1984
The Maps Series, 1960-1984 (9 linear feet and 19 oversize folders) contents are arranged in three subseries, photo mosaics, tracings, and Peru maps. The materials in all subseries are arranged by archaeological site. The photo mosaics are 50 x 50 cms 1:5000 aerial photo prints that can be set up together into one mosaic of the site. The Rolled Trasings subseries is made up of 19 oversize folders. Contents of 18 out of 19 oversize folders were originally stored in tube boxes 39-47. Boxes 39-47 were eliminated during conservation efforts, while contents were placed in oversize boxes. The rolled tracings subseries includes map tracings of the 1:5000 survey photo mosaics. These can be three to five feet wide and may include references to the corresponding site mosaic section. Some of the aerial photos used for the mosaics and prints were the product of an earlier flight and may have been used for different surveys in different years. Three Zumpango files that were received with the map tracings have been housed with the site materials. The third subseries holds maps of Peru, particularly of the Upper Mantaro Region. These have been housed in oversize folders.