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Associate Director for Public Service Files (Carla Stoffle/Margo Crist), 1976-1998
The files of Associate Director for Public Service Files (Carla Stoffle/Margo Crist), 1976-1993 (2.0 linear feet) document the tenures of Carla Stoffle and Margo Crist. The bulk of the records are from 1984 to 1990. Both Stoffle and Crist eventually left the library to serve as library directors at major research universities. The files reflect the close working arrangement between the library director and the associate director. These records provide a higher level of detail than what is found within similarly named files in the Director's Office series. The files richly illustrate the various branch and divisional libraries along with efforts to provide greater service and enhanced bibliographic instruction. The Subgroup consists of a Topical File divided in to two chronological subseries: 1976-1993 and 1988-1998
The 1988-1998 subseries (0.25 linear feet) of the Assistant Director for Public Services Files, is comprised of a small set of files from the Margo Crist's tenure as AD for Public Services. Of particular note are the folders related to the work of the University Library Strategic Planning Committee in the early 1990s.