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Freedom and Police Practices, 1962
(University of Michigan law professors examine the democratic guarantees of personal freedom and the right to safety and security of the individual against arbitrary action by government enforcement agencies. Features: Jerold Israel, UM-Law; Sanford Kadish, UM-Law, Stephen Tonsor; Edmund Devine, UM-Law)
Freedom and Censorship, 1962
(A novelist and UM faculty members analyze the modern restriction on the democratic free enterprise of ideas and the major ideas involved in the public and private censorship of books, magazines, films, etc. (print damaged) Features: Stephen Tonsor, UM-Hist.; Jerold Israel, UM-Law; Sanford Kadish, UM-Law; Earl Karr)
Freedom and Conformity, 1962
(Freedom and Conformity.; University of Michigan faculty authorities discuss the conflict between individual freedom and the American citizen's urgent search for security in a modern age of anxiety. Features: John Pollard, UM-Med.; Sanford Kadish, UM-Law; Jerold Israel, UM-Law; Stephen Tonsor, UM-Hist)