Search Results
Inch, A Foot, A Mile, An, 1968-1969
(A student written, directed, and produced film about a student from a small Negro college who enters a unique program at the University of Michigan. Focuses on the UM Administrative Internship Program. Features: Edgar E. Willis, UM-Speech)
Teaching of Black History, 1968-1969
(A panel of teachers considers what Black history is and why it should be taught at all in our schools and universities. Features: William Porter, UM-Journ.; William Toll, UM-Hist.; Ronald Edmonds; Franklin Ferguson)
Garden of My Mind, 1968-1969
(The life of a University student is expressed in original music on a program written, produced, and directed by UM students. Features: Carolyn Delevitt; Bruce Fisher)
Magic of the Stage, 1968-1969
(The University of Michigan Professional Theatre Program Touring Company presents highlights from its Michigan tour, which created theatre magic for its young audience. Features: Stephen Dunning, UM-Speech; Professional Theater Program)