Search Results
Music and Cinema, 1977-1978
(A look at how music is used to enhance film, Dapogny plays some of the classic film stings that we traditionally associate with the chase. Features: James Dapogny, UM-Music; George Burt, UM-Music)
Educated Adult, The, 1977-1978
(Three men who pioneered in the field of adult education discuss their experiences in the field and the outlook for the future. Features: Bonaro Overstreet; Howard McCluskey, UM-Ed; Edward Soop, UM-Ext.)
Songs From the Soul: The Negro Spiritual, 1977-1978
(Recital of spirituals conducted by Jessye. Features: Eva Jessye; Willis Patterson, UM-Music)
Computer Crime, 1977-1978
(Prevention, control, and prosecution of computer crime. Features: Robert Iglehart, UM-Art)