(An instructional film on staging for educational television produced for the Educational Television and Radio Center, includes demonstrations of staging techniques. Features: Verne Weber, UM-TVC)
(Graphics.; A tour of the graphic design department of the University of Michigan television studio with a demonstration of television graphic techniques. Features: Hazen Schumacher, UM-TVC, Tom Coates, UN-TVC)
(Lighting.; Lighting director of the University of Michigan television studio explains the equipment and techniques used in stage lighting for television productions. Features: Hazen Schumacher, UM-TVC; Verne Weber, UM-TVC)
(Director.; Director of television productions at the University of Michigan television studio leads a tour of the studio and control room discussing the equipment and techniques used in producing television programs. Features: Hazen Schumacher, UM-TVC)
(Silent film of TV studio staff in conference, script writing, graphics and set design departments, and footage of crew at work during production of a television show. Features:)