Search Results
U.S. China Relations, 1980
(Oksenberg, China advisor to Pres. Carter, and Harding discuss the transitions in U.S. relations with China and the motives on which these changes were based. Features: Michel Oksenberg, UM-Pol.; Harry Harding, Stanford)
Relations with the World, 1980
(Examines China's relations with other countries, its role as giant of the Third World and potential superpower. Features: Michel Oksenberg, UM-Pol.; Albert Feuerwerker, UM-Hist.)
Science and Technology, 1980
(Looks at China's rapid progress in science and technology, the impact of the "Cultural Revolution" on this development. Features: Albert Feuerwerker, UM-Hist.; Chia-Shun Yih, UM)
The Road Ahead, 1980
(Three China experts speculate on China's ability to reach the goals it has set for itself, the series is summarized. Features: Albert Feuerwerker, UM-Hist.; Robert Dernberger, UM; Martin Whyte, UM)
China: Background for Discussion
(Five part series, expert on Chinese Communist ideology looks at the 1949 revolution and how it changed China.)