(The science of Operations Research is defined and illustrated by an industrial engineering specialist. Features: Keith Coats, UM-Eng.; Richard Evans, UM-Eng.)
(Morrison, one of the nation's leading rocket experts uses the toys and games of children to provide a unique explanation of modern rocketry. Features: Keith Coats, UM-Eng.; R.B. Morrison, UM-Eng.)
(The design and construction of rocket payloads, man's scientific feelers upon the frontiers of space, are discussed by UM aeronautical engineering specialists. Features: Keith Coats, UM-Eng.; R.B. Morrison, UM-Eng.; Edward Schaefer, UM-Eng.; R.J. Wenk, UM-Eng.)
(The performance merits of a new and revolutionary scientific sounding rocket are discussed by one of its University of Michigan designers. Features: Keith Coats, UM-Eng.; R.B. Morrison, UM-Eng.)
(The modern art and science of shipbuilding is discussed by UM naval architecture and marine engineering experts, features film of the launching of the ore carrier "Arthur B. Homer." Features: Keith Coats, UM-Eng.; R.B. Couch, UM-Eng.; P.A. Schnell; E.R. Carr)