(Melton, a leading memory theorist, reviews the modern research picture of how the human brain remembers and why it forgets. Features: Elton B. McNeil, Robert Isaacson, Arthur W. Melton, all UM-Psych.)
(Two UM psychologists discuss the creative individual in modern America and describe a revolutionary psychological method for testing and measuring creativity-potential of individuals. Features: Elton B. McNeil, Robert Isaacson, Sarnoff A. Mednick, all UM-Psych.)
(A review of current research on man's decision making and choice-behavior processes. Features: Elton B. McNeil, UM-Psych., Clyde H. Coommbs, both UM-Psych.)
(A discussion of modern work of engineering psychology in gaining new knowledge about man's capacities and limitations in a machine age. Features: Elton B. McNeil, Robert Isaacson, Paul M. Fitts, all UM-Psych.)