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Alternative Theatre, 1975
(What it is, who is involved, how it is supported, its contribution to theatre. Features: Donald Boros, UM-Drama; Richard Meyer, Dir. PTP; Ted Hoffman, NYU)
Artist in Residence, 1975
(Professional actor talks about working with students: what he teaches them and what he learns from them. Features: Donald Boros, UM-Drama; Richard Meyer, Dir. PTP; Nicholas Pennel)
Dance Theatre, 1975
(Explores the unique blending of poetry and dance that creates the specialized medium of "Dance Theatre." Features: Donald Boros, UM-Drama; Richard Meyer, Dir. PTP)
Body Language and the Art of Mime, 1975
(How a person is "read" by studying his movements, posture, facial expressions, and gestures, also, illustrations of the concept of "reality" and "unreality" in mime. Features: Donald Boros, UM-Drama; Richard Meyer, Dir. PTP; George Metcalfe, PTP; Tom Pierce, mime)