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Take as Directed
(Fifteen part series examines the development of drugs & their uses, pharmacological companies, drug culture, and drug abuse and control.)
A Theft of Fire, 1970
(This program looks at the drug culture of modern America and the forces that produced it. Features: Dr. Robert A. Green, UM-Med.)
May We Interfere?, 1970
(UM pharmacologists explore the relationship of drugs and the life process of man. Features: Robert A. Green, UM-Med.; Henry Swain, UM-Pharm.; Charles Innis, UM-Med.)
Mickey Finns and Naked Guns, 1970
(The evolution of the germ theory of disease, the discovery of the first modern miracle drugs and their impact on our drug culture are reviewed. Features: Robert A. Green, UM-Med.; Henry Swain, UM-Pharm.)
Let Her Not Make a Child, 1970
(UM medical experts discuss the history of contraception, modern methods of birth control, and the chemical and social potency of "the pill" in a birth control revolution. Features: Robert A. Green, UM-Med.; Robert Jaffe, UM-Med.)