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Golden Era, 1967
(The "golden era" of student life at Michigan - as at all American colleges - was between 1900 and World War I. The traditions are recreated and relived by UM alumni. Features: Howard Peckham. UM-Hist.; Paul Wagner; H.H. Caswell)
Great War, 1967
(The UM mobilizes for World War I. Footage of war related activity on campus, Fred Wahr discusses anti-German sentiment on campus. Also discussion of the influenza epidemic and a look at the post-war life of "Joe College." Features: Fred Wahr, UM-German; Howard Peckham, UM-Hist.)
The Thirties, 1967
(When the regents appointed Alexander Grant Ruthven as the 7th President of UM in 1929, they hoped for a quiet period. Instead the depression hit and changed the Ann Arbor campus. Features: Howard Peckham, UM-Hist.; Harry Carver, UM-Math; Trudy Huebner; Erich Walter, UM-Engl.)