Julia Sturtevant Merriam (1874-1941)
The Julia Sturtevant Merriam series consists of a privately printed memorial volume, What Is Faith?, put together by her family and friends upon her death in 1941.
The Julia Sturtevant Merriam series consists of a privately printed memorial volume, What Is Faith?, put together by her family and friends upon her death in 1941.
The Park Congregational Church series consists of church bulletins and clippings documenting the involvement of the Merriam's in various church activities.
The Grace Episcopal Church series consists of church bulletins and clippings documenting the involvement of the Merriam's in various church activities.
Photographs and Slides contain family pictures as well as pictures from Baker Furniture, Inc. and the Park Congregational Church and the Grace Episcopal Church. A set of slides from the convention of the Episcopal Church in 1960 in Detroit has with it a typed inventory of the numbered slides.