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Museum Practice Program, 1962-2000
The Museum Practice Program series (1962-2000; 0.5 linear ft.) documents the museum's training program from its inception in the 1960s. It includes information about the curriculum, admission and requirements; lists of participants over the years and their placements in the museum field; and proposals and notes regarding changes to the program during the 1990s. Further discussion of these revisions, which involved launching a more interdisciplinary program not limited to the history of art in 2003, can be found within the correspondence files. Also of interest are course lecture notes written by Charles Sawyer during the program's first decade. A symposium held in 1979 on "American Museums in the Last Quarter of the Twentieth Century" served as a reunion for program graduates and a tribute to Charles Sawyer as well. This file contains correspondence between graduates and Mary Ann "Cricket" Swain, then Associate Chairman of the program; correspondence with Millard Rogers, Director of the Cincinnati Art Museum, who originated the idea for the event; and a thank-you letter from Sawyer to those who participated. The 'Correspondence-Students & staff' file includes reminiscences of Sawyer prompted by the symposium.