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OVPR Financial and Administrative Files
The OVPR Budget and Financial Files, 1966-1999 (3.0 linear feet), provide insight into the manner in which the OVPR allocated funding amongst its reporting units and the changing priorities within the organization over the years. Of particular interest to the researcher are the Budget Conferences, Proposals, and Presentations Files, which are arranged by fiscal year and include requests from individual units for funding, statements of priority within the organization, strategizing for the annual budget meeting with the Provost, and commitments to various programs and endeavors. While the files are arranged by fiscal year (July 1 to June 30), there are, in some cases, earlier and later records included as background for preparing budget or for wrapping up the prior fiscal year. The researcher should also note that while some reporting units do not have a separate file for each year, in many cases, related documentation was maintained in the general budgetary file for that fiscal year.