The Task Force on Campus Safety and Security (TFCSS) subseries, 1992-1997 (1 linear foot), was appointed by the Provost on July 9, 1996, to review progress toward achieving the recommendations of the 1989 Task Force on Campus Safety and Security and to assess safety needs and perceptions on campus. The task force, chaired by Paul Boylan, began its work in the Fall of 1996 and submitted its report in April 1997. The task force was organized into five groups. Group I reviewed crime statistics at peer institutions and compared peer policies and operation with those at Michigan. Group II studied enhancements since 1990 including campus lighting and escort programs. Group III organized campus meetings with various constituencies to gauge community perceptions of safety and security. Group IV identified all campus agencies involved in conflict resolution with an emphasis on harassment. Group V focused on the Department of Public Safety, including policies, procedures, personnel, and budget. Documentation includes the charge to the task force, background material studied by the working groups, meeting minutes, as well as the final report. The final report contains extensive appendices, including a study by the Institute for Social Research (ISR) on "Perceptions of Safety and Security at the University of Michigan."