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Committee Files and Minutes, 1935-1994

The Committee Files and Minutes, 1935-1994, are arranged alphabetically by committee name. Administrative/Executive Committee minutes are extant for the years 1957-1968. They address issues of student performance and evaluation, and as such are restricted for a period of 75 years from the date of creation. Continuing Education and Extension Committee was one of several small committees established in the mid-1970s to revise and restructure the social work curriculum. Coordinating Committee minutes, 1953-1960, deal with the funding, budget approval, and coordination of an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program in social work and social sciences. Curriculum Committee, 1951-1957 and 1970-1980, address personnel decisions, structural reorganization, and program revision. Executive Committee minutes and supporting material from the years 1945-1987 document major administrative and policy issues facing the school including the proposed merger/reorganization talks between Wayne State University and the University of Michigan social work programs. Faculty Advisory Committee minutes are available for the years 1968-1969, and document efforts to incorporate student involvement in departmental decisions and facilitate better student and faculty relations.

Faculty Committee minutes are the most abundant in the series and cover the years 1935-1974. They are indexed, although indexes for the later years are somewhat less thorough than those of the earlier years. Topics such as enrollment, admissions, curriculum, and budgets are discussed. Faculty Council minutes, 1969-1983, primarily focus on grading practices and faculty awards and promotions. Faculty Search Committee minutes, 1971-1981, concern efforts to fill various faculty positions within the School. They are restricted for 30 years from the date of creation. Governance Review Committee minutes, 1969-1973, and Governing Faculty Committee minutes, 1974-1991, document efforts to adopt departmental regulations and establish admission criteria and course descriptions. The Governance Review Committee served in an advisory capacity to the dean, whereas the Governing Faculty Committee served the broader faculty.


School of Social Work (University of Michigan) records, 1935-2010

36 linear feet — 2.35 GB — 2 digital audiovisual files

Records of the School of Social Work (formerly the Institute of Social Work) include minutes, correspondence, curriculum records, and topical files, concerning the activities of the University's social work program under the direction of Robert Kelso, Arthur Dunham, Federle Fauri, Phillip Fellin, Harold R. Johnson, and Paula Allen-Meares.

The records document the founding and development of the School of Social Work from its inception as the Institute of Health and Social Sciences (later renamed as Institute of Public and Social Administration) in 1935, to its subsequent reorganization as the School of Social Work in 1951. The proposed merger with Wayne State University in 1950 is also well documented. The strength of this record group consists of 59 years of minutes (1935-1994), which include proceedings from executive, faculty, and curriculum committees.


Topical Files, 1935-1996

4.5 linear feet

The Topical Files series consists of alphabetically arranged subject files covering a broad spectrum of administrative and policy issues. The series is comprised of three separate alphabetical subseries, reflecting different accession in which the materials were received by the library. The subseries overlap both chronologically and in subject matter.



1.5 linear feet

The Topical Files, 1939-1992, subseries (1.5 linear feet) is arranged alphabetically by subject and contains records of various activities within the School of Social Work. The material in these files ranges from reports and proposals to correspondence.

Of particular interest are the Council for Social Work Education (CSWE) files. These include annual reports submitted by the University of Michigan to CSWE from 1939 to 1983. They include a great deal of statistical information concerning the School of Social Work. Information ranges from faculty and student statistics to grant support and graduation data. Also included in this subseries is a folder of materials for the Annual Meeting in Detroit in 1984 for which Harold Johnson served as chairman of the Plenary Session Subcommittee. Reports prepared for the school's reaccreditation review in 1963 are also included.

The reaccreditation folders contain memos, correspondence and supporting documentation for the school's 1973 and 1983 reaccreditation reviews. The work of university-wide committees is evidenced in the Intercollegiate Athletics Committee, an ad hoc committee appointed by President Harold Shapiro, and Martin Luther King Symposium folders. Johnson served as the chair for both of these committees.