Search Results
October 21, 2008
1 digital audio files (Duration: 0:48:07)
(Malaika interviews co-author researcher Dalia Mogahed about her research on Muslim Americans, Salakhan talks about Palestinian struggle and their rights and obstacles, as well as Muslims in the US elections. Hosts/Producer: Barbara Nimri Aziz, Sarah Malaika. Interviewees/Guests: DC-based researcher Dalia Mogahed co-director of Gallup Studies on Muslims, US African American Muslim leader Maurii Saalakhan author of "The Plaestinians\' Holocast, American Perspectives". Topics: Palestine and Palestinian rights, Muslim Americans, civil rights, African American Muslims, world music.)
[Part 1]
(Part 1; In Our Opinion radio program discussing missionary work in Africa, guests: Right Reverend Stephen Tomusange (Assistant Bishop of the Upper Nile), Reverend Stanley Moore (Headmaster of the High School at Gulu), Mrs. Stanley Moore (lay representative of Anglican Congress).)