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42 linear feet (in 46 boxes) — 2 oversize volumes — 1 oversize folder

President's correspondence, executive committee minutes, and minutes of annual conventions; also files on individual churches in the Synod, including clippings, reports, church histories and programs; and photographs.

The records of the Michigan Synod of the Lutheran Church in America include president's correspondence; executive committee minutes; and minutes of annual conventions; files on individual churches in the Synod, including clippings, reports, church histories and programs; and photographs. The records have been arranged into the following series: Organizational and Administrative Records; Archivist's files; Organizational units and programs; Lutheran Church Women; Printed material; Church files; Topical files; and Visual Materials. Most of the records prior to 1962 originally came from the archives of United Lutheran Church in America.

1 result in this collection

1 linear foot

Papers collected by Minnie C. M. Fay of Battle Creek, Michigan. Genealogical, and family records, and photographs.

The Minnie Fay collection consists of genealogical and family records, family photographs, and a diary, 1857-1858 probably of a Henry Chandler.

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4 linear feet — 12 oversize volumes

Manufacturers of threshing machinery; company sold out to Oliver Corporation in 1929. Minutes of stockholders and directors meetings, journals, ledgers, balance sheets, correspondence, and photographs.

The Nichols & Shepard Company records date from the late nineteenth century to the time when the company sold out to the Oliver Corporation. There is very little material prior to the 1880s and thus the first thirty years of the company's history is without documentation. The minutes of the company's board of directors date back to 1886 and extend to 1931. A large portion of the record group consists of financial materials, reports, and ledgers.

1 result in this collection

57 linear feet — 77 oversize volumes — 1 oversize folder — 28.9 GB (online) — 1 digital audiovisual file

Battle Creek, Michigan and Washington, D.C. family including C.W. (Charles William) Post, cereal manufacturer, and anti-union activist and founder of Post City, Texas; and his daughter Marjorie Merriweather Post, executive of General Foods Co., wife of U. S. ambassador to the Soviet Union, art collector, philanthropist, socialite, and Washington D.C. hostess. C.W. Post papers, largely concern labor-management relations, unionism, the Postum Company, currency reform, advertising, and matters of food and hygiene; Marjorie Merriweather Post papers document her social activities and travel, philanthropies art collections, and the maintenance and preservation of her homes and other possessions.

The Post family collection includes papers of businessman and food processor, C. W. Post, largely relating to labor-management relations, unionism, the Post Company, currency reform, advertising, and matters of food and hygiene; and papers, photographs, and sound recordings of his daughter, Marjorie Merriweather Post, General Foods executive and philanthropist, relating to social activities and engagements, philanthropies, and the maintenance and preservation of her homes and other possessions.

The C.W. Post papers consist of manuscript items and printed works created by C.W. Post and retained by his daughter, Marjorie Merriweather Post. The papers are arranged alphabetically by subject.

1 result in this collection

Post Family Papers, 1882-1973

57 linear feet — 77 oversize volumes — 1 oversize folder — 28.9 GB (online) — 1 digital audiovisual file


17 linear feet — 164 oversize volumes — 1 microfilm

Records, 1895-1931, of the Postum Cereal Company of Battle Creek, founded by Charles W. Post; include time books, payrolls, invoice and voucher records, trial balances, cash receipts registers, and sales and advertising material.

The Postum Company records are an incomplete set of employment and financial records covering the period 1895-1931. The records have been described in two series: Payroll and Employee Records and financial and Miscellaneous Records. The records include employee time books, payrolls, invoice and voucher records, trial balances, cash receipts registers, and sales and advertising material.

The collection includes 164 outsize volumes. A unique sequential number (1-166, there is no vol. no. 91 or 92) has been assigned to each volume to aid in identification and location of the volumes. This number is given at the beginning of descriptive entry in the contents list. Some volumes had a number or letter stamped on the spine. This number is listed in square brackets at the end of the item entry.

1 result in this collection

21 linear feet — 1 oversize folder

Pacifist, participant in World War I peace movement and later peace activities, member of Fellowship of Reconciliation, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, and Women Strike for Peace. Papers include Correspondence, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, periodicals, reports, photographs, and other materials relating to the International Congress of Women, 1915, the Ford Peace Ship, the American Neutral Conference Committee, the Emergency Peace Federation, and the People's Council of America.

The papers of Rebecca Shelley (1887-1984) were donated by Shelley in several accessions between 1964 and 1984. The papers make up twenty-one linear feet of materials and cover the years 1890-1984, though only a few photographs and printed items predate 1910. Her anti-war activism, legal battles, writing career, and courtships with Franz Willman and Felix Rathmer are all well-represented. In addition to her personal papers, there are groups of material belonging to Emily Balch, Richard Olsen, Felix Rathmer, Paul Shelly, and William A. Shelly.

Many peace organizations are also documented in these papers through flyers, pamphlets, periodicals, newsletters, and correspondence. These include the American Neutral Conference Committee, Emergency Peace Federation, People's Council of America, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Women Strike for Peace, and many others. As Shelley served as an officer in the Michigan Fellowship of Reconciliation (F.O.R.) through the 1950s and 1960s, many of the organization's official papers came to be in her possession. Therefore, an effort was made to remove most of these official papers to the separate Michigan F.O.R. collection.

The collection is arranged in eleven series: Biographical; Newspaper Clippings; Correspondence; Topical Papers; Miscellaneous Papers; Papers Of Other Individuals; Printed; Periodicals; Diaries And Notebooks; Photographs; and Writings.

1 result in this collection

4 linear feet

Papers of the Squier family of Battle Creek, Michigan. Include letters and diary of John E. Hickman, Civil War soldier in Co. C, 13th Michigan Infantry; letters and miscellanea of Theodore L. Squier, Sr., University of Michigan undergraduate student, medical student and instructor ca. 1914-1921 and Nina La Barge Squier, student in the University of Michigan Nurses' Training Program, 1919-1920; and letters and miscellanea of several family members who served in WWII. Also some records of the American Manufacturing Company of Battle Creek, Michigan.

The Squier Family Papers are organized into nine series, eight series of documents related to specific members or branches of the family and one series of photographs.

1 result in this collection

2 linear feet

Methodist Episcopal clergyman and editor of Michigan Christian Advocate. Correspondence relating to his editorial work and his interest in economic and labor problems, including the Flint, Michigan, Sit-Down Strike of 1937; also sermons, student paper, notebooks of classes at Albion College, and record of weddings performed in 1913 at the First Methodist Church of Battle Creek, Michigan; and photographs.

The collection is arranged into three series: Correspondence, Sermons, and Other Materials. The great bulk of the collection is comprised of the manuscripts of his sermons in the period of 1895 to 1915.

1 result in this collection

2.5 linear feet

Minutes of meetings, records of the Board of Trustees, minutes of the Red Ribbon Temperance Union, 1880-1882, scrapbook and printed material relating to activities of the Union.

The record group documents the local activities of the W.C.T.U .includes minutes of regular meetings (1874-1986, with some gaps), minutes of the Board of Trustees (1907-1975, with some gaps), and minute book of the Red Ribbon Temperance Union, 1880-1882. Also included are record books of the treasurer, yearbooks with lists of officers, a scrapbook and assorted clippings, and reports of the chapter to the Michigan Department of the Treasury.

1 result in this collection

2 linear feet

General correspondence, board minutes, secretary's reports, photographs, and miscellanea relating to the chapter's activities; and papers, 1910-1917, concerning building program.

The record group is composed of general correspondence, board minutes, secretary's reports, photographs, miscellanea relating to the chapter's activities, and papers, 1910-1917, concerning building program. The records are arranged into the following series: Board minutes; Secretary's and other reports; General Correspondence; Proposed building files; Other Materials; and Photographs.

1 result in this collection