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Helen W. Milliken Papers, 1965-1982 (majority within 1969-1982)

18.4 linear feet

Civic leader, wife of Michigan governor William G. Milliken. Collection includes topical files relating to Artrain, the Michigan Council for the Arts, the International Women's Year, Youth for Understanding, women's rights issues, notably the Equal Rights Amendment, and environmental protection issues; correspondence files; appearance files; and photographs.

The Helen Milliken papers total 18.4 linear feet of correspondence, organizational records, printed material, and photographs largely from the period 1969-1982 (though there are some items dating back to 1965). The collection consists of four principal series: Topical Files, Correspondence, Appearances, and Photographs. Preceding these is a file of Biographical Material.


Lutheran Church in America, Michigan Synod records, 1917-1987

42 linear feet (in 46 boxes) — 2 oversize volumes — 1 oversize folder

President's correspondence, executive committee minutes, and minutes of annual conventions; also files on individual churches in the Synod, including clippings, reports, church histories and programs; and photographs.

The records of the Michigan Synod of the Lutheran Church in America include president's correspondence; executive committee minutes; and minutes of annual conventions; files on individual churches in the Synod, including clippings, reports, church histories and programs; and photographs. The records have been arranged into the following series: Organizational and Administrative Records; Archivist's files; Organizational units and programs; Lutheran Church Women; Printed material; Church files; Topical files; and Visual Materials. Most of the records prior to 1962 originally came from the archives of United Lutheran Church in America.


Michigan Bell Telephone Company Photographs, 1949-1983

63 linear feet (in 93 boxes)

Photographs (positive and negative), slides, and transparencies taken by the company's photographers to document company activities, products, services, employees at work and at leisure, company exhibits and commemorations, and the response of the company to natural disasters and civil disturbances.

In 1993, Michigan Bell as a corporate entity was subsumed within the Ameritech Corporation. As a by-product of this reorganization and the downsizing resulting from it, the company agreed to deposit with the Bentley Historical Library its extensive archive of photographic images. Totalling approximately one million images, the Michigan Bell Telephone Company photo archive consists of negatives, copy prints, and color transparencies taken in the period since World War II (the bulk beginning in 1949). The collection does not include photos taken since 1983; interspersed throughout, however, are numerous images from before 1949.

The collection has been maintained in the order received with two principal series: Positives and Negatives.

The content of the photographs in the two series varies considerably. Naturally the collection documents the products of the company (phones and other communication devices) and the services provided (e.g. employees at work or the company reacting to a specific customer need). These photos were taken both to inform the general public as accompaniment to press notices and advertising copy and as a communications vehicle within the company, informing employees through the company news publication, Tielines, of activities going on in other divisions of the company or among the various regional Bell offices.

More importantly perhaps, the collection has value for its documentation of events and activities that are common to all large companies. These include images relating to: 1. The activities of employees within the corporation at their work (office workers, repairmen, operators, various support personnel, managers, etc.); 2. The activities of employees outside their work routine as members of corporate social groups (i.e., the company baseball or ice hockey team), at home engaged in leisure time activities, or involved in company-sponsored charitable or public service functions; and 3. Commemorations of specific milestones or events (company parade floats, area office open houses, corporate displays at public events such as fairs, etc.).

In addition, the collection documents the extraordinary and unforeseen as the phone company reacts to events and emergencies not within its control (floods, tornadoes, fires, the 1967 Detroit riot, strikes, and the like) or as a participant in history-making events (the announcement in Ann Arbor of the success of the Salk polio vaccine or the preparation involved in the 1980 Republican National Convention that convened in Detroit).


Michigan Congress of Parents and Teachers records, 1891-1961

18 linear feet — 6 oversize volumes

Michigan branch of a national parent and teacher organization; organizational records include convention books, minutes of meetings, treasurer's reports, and scrapbooks.

The record group, only partially processed, consists of convention books which are scrapbooks containing programs of annual conventions, charters, and miscellaneous printed materials. In addition, there are minutes of the board of managers and of the state board, treasurer's records, general scrapbooks, and published materials.


Michigan Woman's Christian Temperance Union records, 1874-2006

16 linear feet (in 17 boxes) — 3 oversize volumes

State chapter of national temperance organization founded in 1874; records include correspondence of early W.C.T.U. workers, Alice E. H. Peters and Ella Eaton Kellogg; also minutes, scrapbooks, and other records of individual Michigan W.C.T.U. districts and chapters.

The Michigan Woman's Temperance Union records divide into seven series: Correspondence; Miscellaneous and Publicity; Printed Materials; District Records; County Union Records; Local Union Records; and Photographs. The records document the period of the Michigan WCTU's greatest influence, the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, as well as the organization's gradual declining influence following the repeal of the prohibition amendment.


Penrod/Hiawatha Company postcard collection, 1950s-2017

7.4 linear feet (in 10 boxes; over 5000 postcards)

The Penrod/Hiawatha Company collection is mainly comprised of postcards, although some supplemental photographic items directed toward tourists is also included. The postcards, numbering more than 5,000, primarily are of the Michigan landscape and its towns and cities, covering every region of the state. Typical postcard themes dominate, particularly natural scenery, outdoor recreation, and shopping districts. The postcards date from the 1950s through the opening decades of the twenty-first century, although very few display copyright dates. The collection is divided into the following series.

  1. Non-Postcard Items (calendars, brochures, booklets): Box 1
  2. Non-Penrod/Hiawatha Postcards: Box 2
  3. Penrod/Hiawatha Postcards, 1970s-1990s: Boxes 2-5
  4. Penrod/Hiawatha Postcards, mid- to late 1990s: Boxes 5-6
  5. Penrod/Hiawatha Postcards, late 1990s-2000): Boxes 6-7
  6. Penrod/Hiawatha Postcards, 2001-2004: Box 8
  7. Penrod/Hiawatha Postcards, 2005-2014: Box 9
  8. Oversize and miscellaneous: Box 10

As batches of postcards are received every years, it was decided to arrange the items in blocks of time according to the date of their accession. Thus for the researcher interested in a specific city, it will be necessary to examine the listing for each of the series.


Upjohn Family Papers, 1795-1974

7.1 linear feet — 1 oversize volume

Papers of the Upjohn family of Hastings and Kalamazoo, Michigan, collected by Dr. E. Gifford Upjohn. Papers and genealogical materials of Upjohn and related families, especially the Mills family, Kirby family, and Clough family; include materials concerning family activities, medical practice, and daily life; also papers concerning the work of Clough family members as missionaries to southern India; and selected Upjohn Pharmaceutical Company historical records; and photographs.

The Upjohn family papers, collected and preserved by Dr. E. Gifford Upjohn, consist of materials brought together by various family members primarily for genealogical purposes. More than a "family archive" because of the importance of the Upjohns as founders of the Upjohn Pharmaceutical Company in Kalamazoo, the collection includes material spanning the period from the early 1800s to the present. The Upjohn Collection consists of three feet of manuscripts, two feet of family related books and bound manuscripts, and two feet of photographs.

Because of its diversity, the collection has been divided into five series of papers: Upjohn family; Families related to the Upjohns; Upjohn Company; Printed Materials; and Photographs.


Women for Survival of Agriculture in Michigan records, 1971-1986

0.3 linear feet

Organization of Michigan family farm wives created in 1971. History and general organizational materials; papers relating to the informational unit of the organization, the American Agri-Women, and the national movement of family farm wives; related printed materials; and photographs.

The record group consists of historical background and general organizational materials; papers relating to the informational unit of the organization, the American Agri-Women, and the national movement of family farm wives. There are also some related printed materials and photographs.


W. Wallace Kent papers, 1954-1973 (majority within 1969-1973)

19 linear feet

Kalamazoo, Michigan, attorney; U. S. District Judge, 1954-1970, in the Western District, Michigan; judge U. S. Court of Appeals, 6th Circuit, 1971-1973. Case docket sheets, judges' case files, unpublished opinions, judges' memoranda, Court of Appeals panel reports, Court of Appeals Circuit Council reports; cases relate in part to school desegregation, Indian treaty rights, labor relations, and questions of civil liberties.

Judge William Wallace Kent's papers document his activities as a Federal Judge. The legal papers in the collection cover the years 1954 to 1973 and include a wide range of documents and records including Docket sheets, Alphabetical Index Cards, Docket Number Index Cards, Judges Case Files, Unpublished Opinions, Judges Memoranda, Hearings, Memoranda, Orders, Opinions, Court of Appeals Panel Reports, and Court of Appeals Circuit Council Meeting Documents.

The collection was maintained in its original order with three series: Case and Subject Index; District Court records; and Court of Appeals records.