Administrative Files
The Administrative Files (0.7 linear feet) contain material related to the management of Arbornet and M-Net, including records of board meetings and member lists.
The Administrative Files (0.7 linear feet) contain material related to the management of Arbornet and M-Net, including records of board meetings and member lists.
The bulk of the collection consists of chapter newsletters in the administrative files series (3 folders). These chapter newsletters are the cornerstone of the collection, reflecting the chapter's activities across almost two decades -- from 1983 to 2002. Not only do the newsletters paint a picture of the chapter's activities, they also provide a glimpse into national and state affairs of interest to the Oakland County NOW.
The Administrative Files begins with a miscellanea of annual reports, historical information, budget data, and correspondence. Within this grouping is a file entitled "Organizational and Historical" containing materials from the period 1982-1992. This file includes an agency history from 1982, lists of board members spanning WMEAC's entire history, information about WMEAC affiliate organizations, statements of objectives, and of special interest, a strategic plan authored by the board which projects WMEAC's future direction and major goals for the period 1992-1996.
Among the most significant files in the Administrative series are: Board of Directors files, Executive Director files, Assistant Director file, Administrative Staff files, and Engineering/Planning Coordinator files, and Program Staff files.
The Administrative Files, 1982-2008 series (0.5 linear feet) contains general administrative files generated by the office and its executive director. Included in this is an organizational history file that contains valuable information about the office's history and its relationships with other university units. This series also contains annual reports, memos, correspondence, and end of term reports that provide valuable insight into the running of the office.
The Toward A Fair Michigan records reflect that organization's efforts to promote dialogue on the controversial ballot initiative Proposal 2 (the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative) and encourage public participation in the political process. In addition to illustrating essential steps in the formation and management of 501(c)(3) nonprofit groups, the records will be especially valuable to those interested in the public debate surrounding Proposal 2 and the issue of affirmative action in the United States in the early 21st century. The collection is comprised of three series: Administrative Files, Program Director's Files, and Organizational Activities.
The Administrative Files span the years 1955 to 1986. Files documenting the organization of the provisional League in 1955-1956 are followed by three major sets of files: Annual Meeting Minutes and Reports, 1956-1985; Board Meeting Minutes and Reports, 1956-1985; and a run of the League's "Allen Park Voter" Newsletter, 1955-1986.
The Administrative Files series, 1975-1999 (1.9 linear feet), is arranged alphabetically and consists of manuals, guides, reports, handbooks, and newsletters relating to the implementation of computing systems at the University of Michigan to manage financial information and student records.
Administrative Files consist of bylaws, minutes, correspondence, newsletters, and press releases of the Michigan Conference. Also included are papers relating to the Education Task Force, Legislative Liaison, Political Action Committee, and the 1983 and 1984 state conferences.
Administrative Files (0.5 linear feet) (1988-2000) contain scattered annual reports and executive summaries, articles on UMCCC, brochures and pamphlets, news releases, and writings on the early history of the center.
The Administrative Files series (1873-2000, 8.8 linear feet) is divided into six subseries: Correspondence, Committees, Facilities and Equipment, Finances, Personnel, Reports and Topical Files.