Clarence Cook Little papers, 1924-1929
Using These Materials
- Restrictions:
- The collection is open for research.
- Creator:
- Little, Clarence C. (Clarence Cook), 1888-
- Abstract:
- President of the University of Michigan, 1924-1929, educational reformer, geneticist and cancer researcher, also interested in a range of reform movement including birth control, eugenics, international peace, and immigration. Papers include correspondence, speeches and reports concerning all phases of his career as president of the University of Michigan and his civic and reform activities.
- Extent:
- 14 linear feet
- Language:
- English.
- Call Number:
- 851744 Aa 2 UAm
- Authors:
- Finding aid prepared by: Michigan Historical Collections Staff Mary Arnheim
- Scope and Content:
The C.C. Little papers document a wide range to topics, events, administrative actions, policy developments during Little's tenure as president of the University of Michigan. The collection contains mainly reports and replies to letters but very little incoming correspondence. However, the researcher may use these replies as clues to other collections in the library which contain the individual correspondent's papers.
The chronological ordering of the papers makes subject access somewhat difficult. To selective indexes of correspondents and subjects found in the papers provide some assistance in using the Little papers. The following discussion of the papers follows the structure of the subject index.
The growth of the university which had begun at the close of World War I continued to be felt during President Little's tenure. New buildings completed earlier were handling classroom and laboratory needs, so attention now turned to living accommodations and the athletic department's needs (Sec. II). The period of the 1920s was one of increased interest in theories of progressive education. President's Little's primary interest was in educational policy arising from such theories. Thus, academic and departmental proposals and reorganizations (Sec. III of the subject index) form a major part of his papers. He made fewer administrative changes (Sec. I of the subject index). The twenties are also remembered as a time of social ferment in the country and this was reflected in campus life, with more attention being paid to regulating student social mores and the use of alcohol and cars (see Secs. I and IV of the subject index).
Although President Little oversaw the reorganization of some administrative offices, his attention was mainly focused on educational policy, his primary interest. This is reflected in materials on admissions policy, freshman orientation, continuing education of alumni, and the re-organization of the university into two separate units.
A few months after President Little took office, the "Day Report", so named because Edmund Day, Dean of the School of Business Administration chaired the committee which drew it up, was completed. It was the result of an exhaustive study of athletics, physical education and recreation in the university and led to changes in the Board in Control of Athletics, development of women's and intramural athletics, and gave impetus to the financing and building of the stadium (opened in 1927).
President Little's concern with developing students of good moral character resulted in regulation of the use of cars and alcohol, thought to be related twin evils, and the initiation of planning for dormitories, where all students would live under university supervision.
The major building projects that came to fruition during the Little Administration were the Stadium and the Women's League Building. Construction work at the Law School and the School of Education represented on-going projects begun in earlier administrations, while plans for a natural science museum were just beginning to take shape.
During President Little's tenure, schools and departments established earlier continued to grow, while some projects, such as the Creative Arts Fellowship, were brought to a close. The financing and governance of the Lawyers' Club presented on-going difficulties. Compensation for and the role of "outside work" in Medicine, Engineering, and Education required continued attention. The university contributed to scientific research through the Hobbs Expedition to Greenland which also showed the value of the university's fledgling radio program in maintaining communication with such distant projects.
With the appointment of Samuel Trask Dana as Dean, the School of Forestry was established in the spring of 1927. At that time the state was faced with the problems of cutover lands and the collapse of the lumbering industry. In 1927 the School of Forestry provided leadership in dealing with these problems by sponsoring two conferences which brought together owners and operators in the lumbering industry, state officials, and forestry experts to consider solutions.
The School of Education continued its growth with the addition of an elementary school building. The completion of that building in 1929 enabled the School to provide K-12 education under the supervision of its faculty. Some attention was given also to providing pre-primary education, but nothing came of this during Little's tenure.
The university and its academic life did not escape the impact of the societal upheavals of the "roaring twenties". Perhaps more so at the University of Michigan because of President Little's active role in several of those issues, as is reflected in his correspondence. He was an officer in the American Eugenics Society, a vocal proponent of both population control and the "betterment of the human race", and also served as chairman of the Michigan chapter of the League of Nations Non-partisan Association.
- Biographical / Historical:
Clarence C. Little, biologist, genetics and cancer researcher, was President of the University of Michigan, 1925-1929. Born Oct. 6, 1888 in Brookline, Massachusetts, Little was a graduate of Harvard (A.B. 1910; S.M. Graduate School of Applied Science 1912; Sc.D. 1914) where he served as secretary of the Harvard Corporation while completing graduate work in biology and genetics. He held several research positions at Harvard 1911-1918. He continued his research work at Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, and in 1921 became Assistant Director of the Station for Experimental Evaluation, Carnegie Institute. A year later he was appointed president of the University of Maine. Following is tenure at Michigan, Little served as director of the Jackson Memorial Laboratory, 1929-1956 (emeritus director 1956-1971). Little died December 22, 1971.
Following President Burton's death in February 1925, Dean Alfred Lloyd was appointed Acting President, while a committee consisting of three Regents -- William Clements, Junius Beal, and Walter Sawyer -- and three faculty members -- G. C. Huber, Jesse Reeves, and Herbert Sadler -- undertook the selection of a president. After a thorough search, the Board of Regents chose Clarence Cook Little, then the President of the University of Maine. He accepted the appointment and took office in September 1925. When Little came to the University of Michigan, the regents agreed to let him bring two assistants and continue his laboratory research on the inheritance of cancer here. He was a excellent scholar and outspoken regarding his progressive educational views.
In his inaugural address, President Little made a number of specific proposals and set forth his innovative ideas on which they were based. These included the belief that only those students deemed able to make the best use of education should be admitted to universities, that students should be taught to think for themselves, and that more attention should be paid to the individual student and his needs. He also believed that the resources, equipment and staff of the university should be available to the whole state.
The major project undertaken during his administration was the University College, based on his belief that the first two years of basic general studies should be separated from the last two years of specialization. At the request of the regents, the University Senate created the Committee on Undergraduate Studies in January 1927. (Records of this committee can be found in record group: University of Michigan. University College.) Although their plan, when it was completed, met with general approval, the faculties of Literature, Science, and the Arts and the Engineering College both raised objections. Nevertheless, the regents authorized the appointment of an executive committee to prepare for the establishment of the new college to be opened in September 1929. Planning was suspended after President Little submitted his resignation in January 1929, and the program was never implemented.
In spite of the controversial nature of many of his proposals, President Little's administration was marked by several major accomplishments. These included Freshman Week, a period just before the fall term when incoming students were introduced to university life, and the Alumni University, designed to make the university an ongoing part of alumni life. Although it did not survive in its original form, it led to the establishment of the Bureau of Alumni Relations and the strengthening of ties between the university and its graduates. He also initiated the plan to house all students in university dormitories.
Although President Little's ideas had initially met with a favorable response, his forthright approach and a lack of skill in personal relations resulted in increased friction within the university. In addition, his outspoken views on birth control and eugenics alienated sectors of the public. Thus, when his letter of resignation was presented to the regents, it did not come as a complete surprise, and it was accepted to become effective September l, 1929.
- Acquisition Information:
- Processing information:
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- Arrangement:
The collection is arranged chronologically with individual folders in alphabetical order within each year. The basic arrangement within each folder is from later to earlier date, although usage over the years has led to disarrangement in some folders. The numbers in square brackets refer to box and folder numbers.
- Additional Descriptive Data:
Subject Indexes
The subject index is a selective index to subject matter found in the chronologically arranged papers of C.C. Little. Subject entries include name of correspondent or folder, box and folder numbers, and date of document. For alphabet-labelled folders, the name of correspondent is added after the folder number.
Administrative Reorganization and Policy- Administrative Reorganization and Policy
- Admissions policy
- Bm-Br (1-28, Bradshaw, 10/29/25)
- Na-Nh (3-3, New Trier)
- Oa-Oz (3-5, Olmstead, 1/8/26)
- Sa-Sq (3-14, Ira Smith, 2/26/26, 3/27/26)
- Alumni relations
- General:
- Wia-Wz (3-27, Wonders, 10/24/25)
- Alumni Association (7-2, 5/26/27, responses to alumni survey, 10/14/27, 11/17/27, c.6/21/28, undated report; 7-3, 1/6/28)
- Alumni University plan:
- Alumni Association (7-2, 5/17/27, 11/29/27, 6/21/28; 7-3, 3/17/28 & passim)
- Finances:
- Stone (11-4, 9/28/27, 10/13,25,31/27)
- General:
- Appointment of Publicity Director
- Aa-Ai (1-18, Abbot, 4/26/26, 5/13/26)
- Bates (1-23, 5/6/26)
- Ea-Ez (2-11, Eagan, 8/20/25)
- Smith (6-9, 7/9/26)
- Athletics Policies
- General:
- Aa-Az (1-1, Aigler, 4/12/25)
- Da-Dz (1-7, E.E. Day, 5/15 & 5/19/25)
- Sa-Sz (1-15, Stone, 5/12 & 5/16/25)
- Aa-Ai (1-18, Aigler, 4/23/26, 5/6 & 5/14/26)
- Bea-Bez (1-24, Bizzell, 6/10/26)
- Hubbard (2-27, 4/15 & 4/27/26)
- Sundvall (3-19, 4/21/26)
- Board in Control of Athletics:
- Yost (3-30, 3/16/26)
- Board in Control (7-19, 12/26 & 12/27/27; 1/13/28,2/1 & 2/15/28)
- Financing of athletics:
- S.W.Smith (3-16, 5/10/26; 11-1, 2/18/28)
- Board in Control (12-6, 9/22 & 9/25/28, re: financial aid for athletes)
- Intercollegiate athletics:
- Yost (6-28, 7/21 & 7/25/25, 4-year report of development)
- Women's athletics:
- Bea-Bez (1-24, Bell, 1/29/26)
- General:
- Business Office re-organization
- Stone (6-12, 2/15/27, 5/28/27)
- Dean of Women, Office of
- Hamilton (2-20, passim)
- Murfin (3-2, 5/6,11,14,17/26)
- Ni-Nz (3-4, Nites, 6/18/26)
- Ra-Rn (3-8, Richards, 4/27/26)
- Women's League (3-28, 12/4/25 & undated notes)
- S.W.Smith (6-9, 7/14 & 7/28/26)
- Freshman orientation
- Caa-Caz (1-31, Carver, 2/18/26)
- Sa-Sq (3-14, I.M.Smith, 5/26/26)
- I.M.Smith (6-10, 5/2/27)
- Bursley (7-23, 9/27/27)
- Housing for women
- Effinger (2-12, 1/23/26)
- Sawyer (6-6, 12/23/26)
- S.W.Smith (11-1, 10/6/27, 11/2,7,8/27, 12/13/27)
- See also: Dormitories under Sec. III. Building Program
- Registrar's Office reorganized
- Ea-Ez (1-8, Effinger, 5/12 & 5/13/25)
- Sa-Sz (1-15, S.W.Smith, 4/27/25, 6/3/25)
- M.E.Cooley (2-7, 12/2/25)
- Ra-Rn (3-8, Rich, 3/5/26)
- Si-Sq (3-14, I.M.Smith, 8/10/25, 4/23/26)
- Retirement policies and benefits
- S.W.Smith (3-15, 1/4/26; 3-16, 4/3/26; 11-1, 2/29/28, 4/5/28)
- C (12-8, Carnegie Corp., 9/24/28, 5/1/29; Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement Teaching, 12/3/28, (4/2/29)
- Riggs Fellowships
- Ra-Rz (1-14, Riggs, Apr. & June 1925)
- Lloyd (2-36, 1/18/26)
- Riggs (5-26, 1926-27, entire)
- Stone (6-12, 1/14,17,26/27, 4/14,15,16,19,21,25/27, 5/12 & 5/19/27)
- R (12-17, Riggs, 9/13/28 to 5/7/29)
- State relations
- Green (8-31, 6/23/28)
- Separate State Universities (10-19, entire)
- Si-Sl (10-20, Sink, 6/8/28)
- S.W.Smith (11-1, 12/28/27)
- Tax Survey (12-33, 10/3/28 ff.)
- Student discipline
- Alcohol use:
- Ea-Ez (1-8, Everitt, 6/22/25)
- Ra-Rz (1-14, Rumney, 5/15/25 re: use of liquor at alumni meetings)
- Da-De (2-9, Delphey, 1/2/26)
- Haa-Haz (2-19, Harper, 11/10/25)
- Hamilton (2-20, 5/25 & 5/28/26)
- Laa-Laz (2-34, Literary Digest, 4/28/26)
- Na-Nh (3-3, N.Y.Sun, 4/27/26)
- Waa-Waz (3-24, Watson, 4/15/29)
- S.W.Smith (6-9, 2/18/27)
- Bursley (7-23, 5/24/28)
- Automobile use on campus:
- S.W.Smith (3-15, 11/18/25)
- Bursley (4-11, 7/22/26, 8/31/26, 4/22/27; 7-23, 1/6/28, 3/9/28
- Murfin (5-17, 7/22/26)
- Green (8-31, 9/26/27, 11/21/27)
- Alcohol use:
- University College
- General:
- Caa-Caz (1-31, Campbell, 4/2/26)
- Hoa-Hoz (2-24, Hopkins, 3/19/26)
- J (James, 2/1 & 2/10/26)
- M.E.Cooley (4-19, 5/20/27)
- Hubbard (9-9, 4/11/28, 5/2/28)
- Patterson (10-6, 3/3 & 3/5/28)
- Whitney (11-18, 11/22/27, 3/5/28)
- G (12-15, Grant, 4/18/29)
- Committee appointments:
- Committee on appointments (8-4, 11/10/27, 12/22/27, 6/9,ll,12,13,15/28)
- Efforts in other states:
- Miscellanea, 1927 (13-11, 2/3,8,9,23/27;Feb. 1927, Wisconsin Experimental College)
- Reactions to plan:
- Fa-Fh (2-13, Ferris, 3/3/26)
- Alumni Association (7-3, 4/28/28)
- Clements (8-2, 3/22/28)
- Dean of Engineering (8-12, 12/2/27)
- Sawyer (10-15, 3/19/28, re: LSA action on proposal)
- Miscellanea, 1927 (13-11, Undergraduate courses II, 5/11 & 5/17/27, c.6/21/27 re: opposition of Engineering faculty)
- Undergraduate courses:
- Miscellanea, 1927 (13-10, Undergraduate courses I, undated, c.Mar.1927, 3/7/27, 4/4,5,8/27, 5/6/27)
- Miscellanea, 1927 (13-11, Undergraduate courses II, 2/2,17,21/27, Summaries of course content and various undated reports and proposals)
- See also University of Michigan. University College. Records.
- General:
- Admissions policy
- General II. Building Program
- Ci-Cz (1-6, Committee of Five, Minutes, 5/29/25)
- Sa-Sz (1-15, Shepard, 6/6/25; S.W.Smith, 4/23/25)
- Dean's Conference (8-11, 11/8/27 re: re-use of old museum building)
- S.W.Smith (11-1, 2/20/28, 6/1/28)
- Building needs
- Ten Year Building Program (12-34, 10/1,5,6,8,11/28 re: Business School, Art Museum, Power House, Libraries, Medical, Law, Engineering & Education Schools; 11/6/28 re: financing)
- Burton Memorial Tower
- Bi-Bl (1-26, Bibbins, 11/19/25)
- Dormitories
- Aj-Az (1-19, Angell, 4/20/26)
- Hamilton (2-20, 4/10/26)
- Alumni Association (7-3, 3/30/28, 6/23/28)
- Dormitories (8-16, 5/15/21, 3/30/28 re: governance of women's dormitories, 3/1/28 re: financing; 12-11, passim, reports on public hearing and reactions to proposal)
- S.W. Smith (11-1, 3/5/28 re: housing for nurses)
- Stone (11-4, 10/24/27, 2/7 & 2/10/28, 5/8/28)
- Alumni Association (12-2, 1/4/29 re: financing)
- Student Christian Association (12-31, 1/10/29 re: proposed dormitory for international students)
- Law School
- General:
- Bates (1-23, 10/10/25, 2/18/26, 5/14/26; 4-6, 7/12/26, 8/17/26, 2/17/27)
- Cook (4-18, 2/24/27, 4/7,9,30/27)
- Library:
- Sawyer (3-13, 1/22/26, 2/8/26)
- Bates (4-6, 4/15 & 4/23/27, 6/27/27; 7-13, undated, c.Aug. 1927, 10/28/27)
- General:
- Lorch Hall (Architecture)
- Beal (1-25, 3/26/26)
- Ce-Ch (2-1, Christensen, 4/1/26)
- Clements (2-3, 10/15/25, 4/14/26)
- Palmer Field and Clubhouse (women's physical education)
- S.W. Smith (6-9, 9/20/26)
- Board in Control of Athletics (7-19, 5/26/28, 6/13/28)
- Ruthven Museum
- S.W.Smith (6-9, 3/17 & 3/24/27, 6/3/27)
- School of Education
- Whitney (3-26, 3/13/26; 11-18, 10/15/27, 1/23/28)
- Clements (8-2, 5/9/28)
- Edmonson (12-13, 9/26/28, 10/1 & 10/10/28, 11/28/28, 12/21/28)
- Miscellanea, Pre-school units (13-15, 3/26 & 3/28/28, 4/30/28, 6/12/28, 7/16/28, 10/12/28)
- Miscellanea, Building Committee of School of Education (13-16, entire)
- Stadium
- General:
- Baa-Bh (1-3, Bates, 4/10/25, Senate Council opposition to larger than 50,000 capacity stadium)
- Aa-Ai (1-18, Aigler, 3/13 & 3/19/26)
- Di-Dz (2-10, Duffy, 6/10/26)
- Haa-Haz (2-19, Hadden, 1/25 & 1/30/26)
- J (2-30, Johnston, 3/1/26, 4/3/26)
- Sa-Sh (3-12, Shaw, 3/4/26)
- Wia-Wz (3-27, Wilbur, 3/22/26)
- Yost (6-28, 7/6/26, 4/9/27)
- Construction:
- St-Sz (3-17, Stone & Webster, 5/19/26)
- Ta-Tz (3-20, Turner Construction, 1/28/26)
- Waa-Waz (3-24, Ward, 12/3/25, dissatisfaction with delays)
- Yost (3-30, 11/3/25, editorial on delays)
- Dedication:
- Board in Control of Athletics (7-19, 9/13/27 & passim)
- Dedication Game, October 22, 1927 (8-14, entire)
- Plans:
- Maa-O (1-12, Murfin, 3/28/25)
- Sa-Sz (1-15, Stone, 5/23/25)
- Reports:
- Yost (3-30, undated "report on ticket problem")
- Yost (6-28, undated "report on stadium")
- General:
- Women's League
- General:
- Bi-Bl (1-26, Blodgett, 5/19/26)
- Ce-Ch (2-1, Christensen, 3/10/26)
- Hamilton (2-20, 2/15/25)
- V (3-23, Vandenberg, 12/17/25)
- Michigan League II (5-15, 1/28/26, 2/9/26, 2/18/26 re: appointment of Mrs. Henderson to replace Dean Hamilton)
- Financing:
- Michigan League I (5-14, 6/11/26, Aug. 1926, 9/16/26, 10/27/26, 1/29/27, 4/22/27)
- Michigan League II (5-15, 1/28 & 1/30/26, 2/14/26, 4/7/26, 6/4 & 6/18/26, 5/19/27)
- Michigan League-Alumni Council (9-23, 6/18/27, summary report, 2/24/28, 3/12/28)
- Ground-breaking:
- Michigan League I (5-14, 6/10/27)
- Murfin, (5-17, 6/11/27)
- S.W.Smith (6-9, 5/24/27, 6/1/27)
- Operation and use:
- Michigan League-Alumni Council (9-23, 6/19/28, letter and undated proposal; 6/29/28)
- Murfin (9-26, 6/25/28)
- Michigan League (12-23, entire, re: governance)
- General:
- General II. Building Program
- III. Academic units: Changes and additions
- Anthropology
- Executive Committee Matters (8-22, 4/28/28 re: adding Department of Anthropology)
- Arts, Instruction and research in
- Effinger (2-12, 12/29/25, 1/15/26, 5/12/26, re: theater)
- Miscellanea, 1925-1926-Arts Development (13-3, 7/28/26 re: need for museum)
- Biological Station, Douglas Lake
- St-Sz (3-17, Strong, 4/21/26)
- Biology & Engineering Camps (7-17, passim)
- Clements Library
- Bi-Bl (1-26, Blakeslee, 1/14/26 re: acquisition of Nathaniel Greene papers)
- 4-16 (Clements Library, 12/29/16)
- See also: Randolph G. Adams correspondence in alphabet-labelled folders
- Dental School
- Ward (6-21, 12/21/26 re: changing to School of Dentistry; 3/30/27, 4/11/27 re: curriculum in first two years)
- Dutch studies
- Haa-J (1-10, Mrs. Hulst, 3/7/25 re: offer of Dutch community in Michigan to establish Dutch studies at U-M)
- Bm-Br (1-28, Bok, 1/21/26)
- Education, School of
- General:
- Ci-Cz (1-6, Cody, 4/27/25, report on need for expansion of Ed. School curriculum)
- Effinger (2-12, 12/28/25, 4/21 & 4/28/26; 4-24, 5/5 & 5/24/27)
- Hoa-Hz (5-5, Huckle, 2/14/27)
- La-Li (5-9, Life, 6/13/27)
- Whitney (3-26, 6/9/26; 6-23, 2/11/17 re: establishing Dept. of Mental Hygiene)
- Edmonson (12-13, 7/26/28 re: compensation for outside work)
- Elementary laboratory school:
- Whitney (11-18, 6/15/27, 12/15/27)
- Practice teaching:
- Edmonson (12-13, 8/1/28)
- Pre-school plans:
- Miscellanea - Pre-school units (13-15, 11/18/27 & passim)
- Relations with LSA:
- Certification of teachers by LSA:
- Waa-Z (1-17, Whitney, 4/20/25)
- Whitney (11-18, 5/16/27, 10/29/27, 11/17/27)
- Separate functions of LSA & School of Ed.:
- Whitney, (6-23, 5/2 & 5/9/27)
- Certification of teachers by LSA:
- Relation to University College:
- Whitney (11-18, 11/22/27, 12/15/27, 1/9/28)
- Teaching loads:
- Whitney (6-23, 4/15/25)
- Whitney (11-18, 11/22/27, 12/15/27, 1/9/28)
- General:
- Engineering and Architecture, School of
- Geodesy & Surveying, Department of:
- Biology and Engineering Camps (7-17, 12/17/27, 4/19/28 re: removal of Camp Davis to Wyoming)
- Engineering education:
- Bi-Bz (1-26, Blanchard, 4/29 & 4/30/26 re: establishment of Dept. of Traffic Engineering & Highway Transport)
- Na-Nh (3-3, Nelson, 5/22/26, 6/2/26)
- Murfin (5-17, 4/19/27 re: outside work)
- Hubbard (9-9, 5/2,9,10/28 re: establishing separate College of Architecture)
- Nelson (10-1, entire)
- Patterson (10-6, 2/12 & 2/14/28 re: English teaching in Engineering School)
- Research:
- Ra-Rz (1-14, Riggs, Mar.-May 1925, reports of State Highway Laboratory; also in Ra-Rn (3-8, Riggs)
- Ce-Ch (2-1, Chapin, 11/14/25 re: transportation research)
- Cooley, M.E. (2-7, 10/16/25, 11/19/25; 4-19, 7/22/26, 8/10/26, 9/15 & 9/30/26, 10/8/26, 11/4,5,11/26 re: Aeronautical engineering research)
- Hanchett (2-21, 5/13/26 re: synthetic rubber)
- Smith, S.W. (6-9, 12/21/26, 2/28/27 re: patent control; 11-1, 4/5/28)
- Stone (11-4, 2/3/28)
- See also A.E.White correspondence in alphabet-labelled folders after box 4
- Transportation Library, Establishment of:
- Ce-Ch (2-1, Church, 5/10/26; Chapin, 3/26/26, 4/19/26
- Ra-Rn (3-8, Ripley, 4/10/26; Riggs, 5/8,13,17/26)
- Geodesy & Surveying, Department of:
- Extension Service
- Cooley, M.E. (2-7, 12/8/25, proposal for advanced courses in Applied Mechanics)
- Hea-Hi (5-3, Henderson, 2/3/27)
- Fellowship in Creative Arts
- F-G (1-9, Frost, 4/21 & 4/23/25, 6/1 & 6/25/25)
- Bm-Br (1-28, Brandt, 8/11/25)
- Effinger (2-12, 4/13/26)
- St-Sz (3-17, Stephenson, 7/30/25)
- Wia-Wz (3-27, Williams, 6/30/25 - 5/29/26)
- C (12-8, Creative Arts Fellowship, 8/1/28)
- Forestry and Conservation, School of
- General:
- Ea-Ez (1-8, Effinger, 6/27/25 re: attempts to find suitable head)
- Sa-Sz (1-15, S.W.Smith, c.4/27/25; Stinchfield, 3/31/25)
- Beal (1-25, 3/19/26)
- Dana (8-9, 11/2/27; 12-10, 7/7/28 re: acquisition of site for experiment station, 4/15/27 re: expansion of department into School of Forestry & Conservation)
- Forestry conferences:
- Miscellanea; include Forestry Conference (11-23, 1/25/27 re: Chicago meeting on forest conservation)
- Miscellanea; include Forestry Conference (11-24, passim; 11-25, 4/5/27, 5/2/27 ff. re: Ann Arbor meeting on conservation & teaching of forestry at U-M)
- Forestry research:
- Dana (8-9, 12/5,13,19/27, 3/29/28, 5/29/28 re: Institute of Forest Research; 12-10, 5/17/29)
- General:
- Law School
- General:
- Bua-Buz (1-29, Busby, 2/17/26 re: faculty organization)
- Effinger (2-12, 2/18/26)
- Murfin (9-26, 6/7 & 6/25/28 re: adding American Institute)
- Administration of Lawyers' Club:
- Bates (1-23, 10/8 & 10/21/25, 1/27/26, 2/27/26; 4-6, 8/9/26)
- Coo-Coz (2-6, Cook, 7/8,10,16/25, 12/3 & 12/9/25)
- Lawyers' Club Minutes (2-35, Nov.,1925 - Apr.1926; 9-17, 8/20/27, 2/3/28, 3/10 & 3/20/28 re: management)
- Sawyer (3-13, 6/1 & 6/30/25, 7/1 & 7/3/25)
- Cook (4-18, 8/19/26 re: finances; 9/8/26 re: representation on Board of Governors)
- La-Li (5-9, Lawyers' Club, 8/2/26, 12/18 & 12/29/26, 1/12,20,29/27, 2/9 & 2/21/28ff.)
- R (12-27, Regents, 1/8/29 re: planning financing)
- Legal research, Establishing Institute for:
- Bates (1-23, 12/14 & 12/26/25, 5/25/26, 6/10/26; 4-6, 8/17 & 8/31/26, 12/14/26)
- Coo-Coz (2-6, Creighton, 3/18/26)
- Cook (4-18, 9/20 & 27/26, 10/12/26, 11/5,16,26/26, 1/8/27, 3/8/27)
- General:
- Literature, Science, and the Arts, College of
- Anthropology, Department of, added:
- Executive Committee Matters (8-22, 4/28/28)
- Combining English, Rhetoric & Public Speaking in one department:
- Caa-Caz (1-31, Campbell, 11/23/26)
- Coo-Coz (2-6, Cowden, 5/24/26)
- Effinger (2-12, 5/26/26, 6/10/26; 4-24, 1/13 & 1/17/27)
- I (2-28, Immel, 1/19/26)
- Jack (9-14, 12/23/27, 1/16/28)
- Curriculum:
- Effinger (4-24, 11/17/26, 12/10/26)
- Greenland Expedition, 1926-27:
- Hobbs Expedition (2-25, entire)
- Hoa-Hz (5-5, Hobbs, 9/18 & 9/23/26)
- Library Science course (new):
- Bishop (1-27, 5/6 & 5/17/26 re: faculty hiring)
- Fm-Fz (2-15, Frankhauser, 2/10/26)
- S.W.Smith (3-16, 4/28/26)
- Anthropology, Department of, added:
- Medical School and Hospital
- General:
- Cabot (1-32, 10/19/25, 1/15 & 1/19/26, 3/16/26, 4/12/26 re: curriculum)
- Gore (8-30, 10/28/27, 11/3/27 re: admissions)
- Homeopathic Department:
- Baa-Bh (1-3, Beebe, 6/8/25 re: budget reduction for Homeopathic Department)
- Si-Sq (3-14, Springer, Oct. 1925 re: completion of merger with Medical School)
- Outside work (clinical work vs. teaching):
- Haynes (2-22, 6/16/26; 5-2, 7/12/26, 11/12/26ff.)
- Cabot (1-23, c.11/16/25, 2/19/26; 4-13, 11/2/26, 5/23/27 re: salaries; 7-25, 4/5/28; 12-8, 1/2/29; re: salaries)
- Sawyer (6-6, 12/13/26)
- S.W.Smith (6-9, 2/15/27)
- Tuberculosis patients, Care of:
- Stone (6-12, 10/15/26)
- Women in Medical School:
- Cabot (4-13, undated c.Nov. 1926, 2/7/27)
- Haynes (5-2, 3/30/26 re: nurses' training)
- General:
- Student Health Service
- Hanchett (12-16, 8/7 & 8/17/28)
- Anthropology
- IV. Student life and social problems on campus
- Housing
- Dormitories (8-16, 2/11/28, clippings from Michigan Daily; undated, statement of landladies re: plans for dorms. See also Nellie Felker correspondence in alphabet-labelled folders.)
- Race relations
- General:
- Na-Nh (3-3, Negro-Caucasian Club, Mar. 1926)
- Bates (4-6, 12/23/26)
- Housing for black students:
- Baa-Bh (1-3, O.W.Baker, 4/23 & 4/30/25)
- Fa-G (1-9, Franklin, 5/9 & 5/27/25, 6/27/25, 7/7/25)
- Haa-J (1-10, Haynes, 6/24/25)
- Aa-Ai (7-1, Advisers to Women, Oct.1927-May 1928)
- General:
- Radicalism
- Ra-Rn (3-8, Reynolds, 5/25/26)
- Religion
- Observances:
- Fa-G (1-9, Rabbi Franklin, 4/13/25 re: observance of Jewish High Holy Days)
- St-Sz (3-17, 4/2/26 re: Sunday convocations)
- Student Christian Association:
- Coa-Con (2-5, Coffman, 11/25/25, 1/9/26)
- S.W.Smith(3-16, 3/3/26)
- St-Sz (3-17, Student Christian Association, 6/29/26)
- Hoa-Hz (5-5, Hobbs, 1/27,29,31/29, 2/9/27 re: speaker on pacifism)
- Student Christian Association (6-14, entire, includes financial reports; 11-5, 2/28/28, 3/13/28, both re: proposed International House; passim, disposition of buildings owned)
- Observances:
- Women students
- Aa-Ai (7-1 Advisers to Women, passim re: housing for women) See also Section I. Housing for women and Section II. Dormitories)
- Women's League minutes (3-28, passim re: Student Council representation)
- Housing
- V. Educational issues of local/national importance
- Academic freedom
- Aa-Az (1-1, AAUP, 3/17/25 re: reply to New Republic editorial outlining measures to prevent abuses)
- Consolidation of education institutions in state
- Governor's Committee (4-31, entire)
- Engineering education, Philosophy of
- Ci-Cz (1-6, M.E.Cooley, 4/25/25)
- M.E. Cooley (2-7, 3/3,4,24/26, 4/6/26, 5/19/26; 4-19, 8/31/26, re: need for broad background in faculty, 9/14/26, 10/5/26)
- Social hygiene education
- American Social Hygiene Association (7-9, entire)
- Status of women in universities
- Henderson (5-3, 1/31/27)
- Academic freedom
- VI. Social and political issues of the time
- Eugenics and Birth Control
- Aj-Az (1-19, American Birth Control League, 11/24/25)
- American Association for Medical Progress (1-20, 3/16/26, 5/8,11,13/26)
- Clements (2-3, 12/7/25)
- Ea-Ez (2-11, Eugenics Committee, 4/20/25, 9/29/25, 11/21 & 11/24/25, 12/22/25)
- Moa-Mz (3-1, Mulford, 4/20/26; Morris, 1/30/26, 4/6/26)
- St-Sz (3-17, Stoneman, 5/24/26)
- Ta-Tz (3-20, Turner, 3/24 & 3/26/26)
- Waa-Waz (3-24, Walker, 11/5/25 re: sterilization of the "unfit")
- Wb-Wh (3-25, Whitney, 12/7/25)
- X,Y,Z (3-29, Zahn, 11/24/25; Yarros, 3/1/26)
- American Birth Control League (4-2, news clippings on Little's advocacy of birth control and related correspondence; 7-6, entire)
- Hoa-Hz (5-5, Hunt, 6/1/27)
- World Population Conference (6-26, entire)
- American Eugenics Society (7-8, entire)
- Miscellanea, 1927-1928 (13-12, Race Betterment Conference, entire)
- Freedom of speech
- Miscellanea, 1928-1929 (13-14, D.A.R. entire re: controversy over Little's criticism of D.A.R. "blacklist" of liberals, pacifists & un-Americans)
- Immigration, Exclusion acts
- H-J (1-10, Japan Times & Mail, 3/18/25, letter of Alfred H. Lloyd re: Immigration Act)
- Laa-Lz (2-34, Lum, 1/8/26)
- Jack, P.M. (9-14, Oct.1927-May 1928, passim re: changing bill to admit professors)
- Low cost housing
- Housing Association (9-7, entire)
- Prohibition
- Ce-Ch (2-1, Christian Science Monitor, 12/14/15)
- Ea-Ez (2-11, Ever-Ready Can Co, 6/2/26)
- J (2-30, H.B. Joy, 5/27/26)
- Me-Mi (2-39, Michener, 5/27/26)
- World Peace
- Me-Mi (2-39, Michigan Council for World Peace, 12/23/25)
- League of Nations Non-Partisan Association (12-20, entire)
- Eugenics and Birth Control
- Alternative Form Available:
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- Subjects:
Adult education.
African Americans.
Authors, American -- Michigan.
Birth control.
Drug abuse.
Education -- United States.
Jews -- United States.
Peace -- Societies, etc.
Prohibition -- United States.
Public health -- United States.
Temperance -- United States.
Immigrants -- United States. - Formats:
Sound recordings. - Names:
University of Michigan -- Administration.
University of Michigan. President.
University of Michigan -- Students -- Social life and customs -- 1921-1930.
University of Michigan -- History.
America Asia Association.
American Association Favoring Reconsideration of the War Debts.
American Association for Adult Education.
American Birth Control League.
American Christian Fund for Jewish Relief.
American Council on Education.
American Eugenics Society.
American Peace Society.
American Social Hygiene Association.
Anti-Saloon League of America.
Bureau of Social Hygiene (New York, N.Y.)
Committee on Social Analysis of College Communities.
English Speaking Union.
Daniel Guggenheim Fund for the Promotion of Aeronautics.
Illinois Birth Control League.
Immigration Restriction League.
Institute of International Education (New York, N.Y.)
Life Conservation League. Dept. of Loyalty to Law.
Malthusian League for Human Welfare through Birth Control.
Michigan Authors' Association.
Negro-Caucasian Club.
Negro National Educational Congress.
Non-Partisan Association for the League of Nations.
World Alliance for International Friendship through the Churches.
Little, Clarence C. (Clarence Cook), 1888-
Bates, Henry Moore, 1869-1949.
Beal, Junius E. (Junius Emery), 1860-1942.
Bishop, William Warner, 1871-1955.
Butterfield, Kenyon L. (Kenyon Leech), 1868-1935.
Chapin, Roy D. (Roy Dikeman), 1880-1936.
Clancy, Robert Henry, 1882-1962.
Clements, William L. (William Lawrence), 1861-1934.
Cooley, Mortimer E. (Mortimer Elwyn), 1855-1944.
Copeland, Royal S. (Royal Samuel), 1868-1938.
Couzens, James, 1872-1936.
Dana, Samuel Trask, 1883-1978.
Davis, Dwight Filley, 1879-1945.
Day, Edmund Ezra, 1883-1951.
Effinger, John R. (John Robert), 1869-1933.
Ferris, Woodbridge N., 1853-1928.
Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943.
Ford, Henry, 1863-1947.
Frost, Robert, 1874-1963.
Green, Fred W. (Fred Warren), 1872-1936.
Groesbeck, Alexander J. (Alexander Joseph), 1873-1953.
Hayden, Joseph Ralston, 1887-1945.
Hobbs, William Herbert, 1864-1952.
Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964.
Kellogg, Frank B. (Frank Billings), 1856-1937.
Lloyd, Alfred H. (Alfred Henry), 1864-1927.
Lorch, Emil, 1870-1963.
Luce, Henry Robinson, 1898-1967.
Michener, Earl C. (Earl Cory), 1876-1957.
Mott, Charles Stewart, 1875-1973.
Murfin, James Orin, 1875-1940.
Osborn, Chase S. (Chase Salmon), 1860-
Rackham, Horace H., 1858-1933.
Ruthven, Alexander Grant, 1882-1971.
Sink, Charles A. (Charles Albert), 1879-1972.
Smith, Shirley Wheeler, 1875-1959.
Stimson, Henry L. (Henry Lewis), 1867-1950.
Sundwall, John, 1880-1950.
Vandenberg, Arthur H. (Arthur Hendrick), 1884-1951.
Van Tyne, Claude Halstead, 1869-1930.
Ward, Marcus Llewellyn, 1875-1963.
Whitney, Allen Sisson, 1857-1944. - Places:
- United States -- Emigration and immigration.
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item, folder title, box no., Clarence Cook Little Papers, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan