The second series, Kimberly Hills Neighborhood Association (1.2 linear feet, 1976-1983) is the heart of the collection. Included here are records of the Association: correspondence, publications, meeting agendas, mailings, histories of the association, area maps and plans, newspaper clippings documenting negotiations and the court case, petitions, statements, and resolutions. Material related to the court case includes correspondence between KHNA and its lawyers, court documents (pleadings, etc.), research material (texts of laws annotated by Cross). Also included material related to other local neighborhood associations, specifically the Ann Arbor Alliance of Neighborhoods (administrative records, publications, correspondence, proposals on behalf of KHNA, etc.) City of Ann Arbor materials include correspondence between KHNA and city officials, memoranda, City Council meeting agendas, texts of addresses to the Council read by KHNA members and supporters during Council meetings, and "Proposed Parks and Open Space Plan" (May 1978). Of interest is folder containing Bradley Cross' handwritten notes, probably taken during meetings, and drafts of letters and memos.
Audiovisual materials in this series include black-and-white and color photographs and 35 mm slides of the area lying along Gladstone and undeveloped areas—specifically, flora, insects, water reservoirs, as well as neighborhood enlargement works. Also included here is an audiocassette with recording of the January 22, 1979 Ann Arbor City Council meeting.