The Correspondence series, 1943-2006 (3 linear ft.), contains correspondence both to and from John W. Aldridge over a 66 year span. The series is organized into subseries chronologically by year, as well as by correspondent. In addition to personal and business letters, this series also includes a subseries of letters of recommendation Aldridge wrote on his students and colleagues' behalf. Noteworthy materials in this series include a 53 year correspondence with Aldridge's friend Grant Genung and correspondence with four of Aldridge's wives, as well as original and photocopied letters from William J. Buckley, Jr., John Dos Passos, Ralph Ellison, William Gaddis, Donald Hall, Joseph Heller, Norman Mailer, Bernard Malamud, Arthur Miller, Wright Morris, Anäis Nin, William Styron, Lionel Trilling, John Updike, Gore Vidal, Kurt Vonnegut, Robert Penn Warren, Tom Wolfe, and P.G. Wodehouse.
Researchers should note that while much of the correspondence in the John W. Aldridge Papers can be found in the correspondence series, additional correspondence is located in the Hopwood Awards Program, Lectures and Addresses, Teaching, USIA/Special Ambassador, and Writings series.