The Correspondence series includes letters from Karpinski to his parents (1901-1903) written from Europe while he was a student there. In addition, there is professional correspondence relating to his scholarly interests in mathematics, the history of science, cartography, and the collecting of historical manuscripts and rare books. Correspondents include: Randolph G. Adams, Charles A. Beard, James H. Breasted, George L. Burr, Florian Cajori, W. J. Cameron, William L. Clements, J. Fulton, Charles H. Haskins, Francis W. Kelsey, Ashley Montague, Alexander Pogo, R. L. Poole, George Sarton, Richard Shryock, Charles Singer, Dorothea Waley Singer, David E. Smith, Michael Straight, Arthur H. Sulzberger, Lynn Thorndike, J. Uspensky, and Henry A. Wallace.